Quotes for replacing front windows and door


Registered User
I got 2 quotes for replacing 3x pvc front-of-house windows (one is a bay window) along with a composite front door + 2 side-panels, and also 1 large kitchen window.
House is a 3bed semi in Dublin.

Both quotes just under Euro 11 k

Seems a bit high. Anyone had a similar job done ? If so, how much approx.
Had it done about two years ago. Composite front door, one bay window and two other windows (one large) and it was €8K. You are being quoted for one extra window for €3K and I suppose inflation has had its way but seems a touch high.
Last year, so prices have increased since, but we got triple glazed all round, detached house, uv value 1.0, front, back and a basic sliding doors replaced, heat pump and some of the rads, etc, went from C2 to A3, all in costs were approx 34k, but grants knocked 18k ish off that, so about 16k, via SEAI, One Stop Shop, so they claim all the grants, and you only pay the net balance at the end.

Gas Boiler was 28 years old, so while we were looking at replacing that anyway, we ended up looking at heat pumps, and grants etc. There was an additional 2k “bonus grant” for the heat pump for last year, but i think thats gone now.

From what i recall, the windows and doors were circa 16k, before the grants on their own.
It was a Munster based provider, theres a list on SEAI, the issue i am hearing from friends etc, is waiting list is now quite long, as most OSS providers, have full order books until into next year.
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Just had 17 windows of various sizes including a bay window, composite front door with top and side panels, back door and garage door and set of French doors done in PVC 0.8U triple glazed for €36k in Dublin by a manufacturer from Armagh. €11k feels high compared to this, though I imagine there is a cost to getting the windows and team onsite that is there whether you buy one or twenty windows.
I had an installer independent do mine years ago,.
He was half the price of the big guys.

Very nice guy in Tallaght.

Happy to share his details if allowed.

No affiliation
Cheers Leo.

In my phone as Leon the window man 0872843146

Even got me out of trouble when I left my keys on the inside of the front door, :)
He also did my front door and a window or two. Was the most reasonable out of 3 or 4 quotes i got.
If you look on adverts ie the pvc doors are cheap, 200 euro, or look on macs warehouse ie, dublin, if you can find windows that are the right size ,i bought 3 windows on adverts ie for 450 euro .if they are 1/4 Inch too small its still worth buying them
http://www.macswarehouse.ie/windows/ average price new 250 euro
