AIB Appeals Panel putting all cases on hold to see if they are prevailing rate cases?


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Wasn't sure what thread to post this in, we received another letter from the BDO today with no real update other than to make us aware of the recent AIB press release in response to the FSPO finding. It goes on to say they do not know if our appeal falls into this cohort and are urgently seeking information from AIB regarding it and they have no alternative but to put the appeal on hold for now. I suppose they are acknowledging its on hold so can stop sending the monthly letters saying its actively receiving attention!
Wasn't sure what thread to post this in, we received another letter from the BDO today with no real update other than to make us aware of the recent AIB press release in response to the FSPO finding. It goes on to say they do not know if our appeal falls into this cohort and are urgently seeking information from AIB regarding it and they have no alternative but to put the appeal on hold for now. I suppose they are acknowledging its on hold so can stop sending the monthly letters saying its actively receiving attention!

Snap. Same for us this morning.

It places the Tracker Panel, discredited or otherwise, in an interesting position. FSPO made its judgement, AIB claims still no-one was disadvantaged but allowing €300m to protect its stakeholders, the tracker panel conceivably have to make a decision now on the legitimacy of AIB claiming no-one was disadvantaged. That would be some card to play at this stage but they were supposed to be independent.

Though more likely, they will wait for AIB to say we are included or will be dealt with somehow, close the case and have done absolutely nothing ultimately.
Yeah very disappointing they're just sending blanket replies, I confirmed in a couple of minutes with AIB that we were included. I can't imagine they have so many appeals regarding the prevailing rate that there wasn't enough time since the announcement to confirm this even with the covid disruption.
This probably means that they have put the other non-prevailing rate cases on hold as well.

I don't know how many appeals there are. But surely it would be very clear which ones are affected and which are not.

Just read it again and the last line "If you have any queries about this letter please contact AIB" Is this appeal process not supposed to be completely independent of AIB? Why would I be contacting them directly in relation to my appeal?


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The more I think about it the more annoying it is, surely they know exactly who the prevailing rate cohort are and what accounts are affected as Brendan mentioned above more evidence they didn't read or understand our case/complaint.
Can we report this to the CBI? How would I go about it? I’m 17 months into appeal with a letter from the Secretary every few months saying my appeal is still receiving attention. I have go no correspondence from the AIB nor have I been asked for any additional information throughout this appeal so to me (I could be very wrong here) my appeal has just sat on the desks of the appeal panel for 17 months...
You probably could I think its just poorly worded/sloppy what they should of said was to contact AIB to determine if you are included in the Prevailing Rate cohort and given a the helpline phone no. I'm sure thats what they would claim was intended. It's so bad in fact I'm surprised they didn't just give a link to these threads on AAB :p
Got the same letter, really surprised they advised contacting AIB, would agree with Brendan they are not reading appeals at all. Very poor from an “independent panel”
AIB have updated their website to include the prevailing rate issue. They say each account is being looked at. As my appeal is on hold (As is the case for many others) & the appeals panel have written to AIB for an update will our cases be prioritised? Will the appeals panel have to make a decision? I have written to the CB on this & I’m still waiting on the email others seem to have got. What I’m wondering is,will we have to face another appeal when the original appeal isn’t finished. My original appeal is now ongoing 18 months, are we facing a second appeal that will drag this out for another two years.
I think that they will look at all 5,907 accounts together. I doubt that they will prioritise any. It will take only two months, so it's not as if prioritising would be helpful in any way.

I presume that there will have to be an appeals mechanism but the current Appeals Panels have been totally discredited. They should appoint new ones, but they probably won't.

Your appeal would have been rejected had AIB decided not to roll out the Ombudsman's decision.
Now the Appeals Panel will have to accept that decision and decide the following:

Should you get a tracker? : I can't see the Appeals Panel going beyond the Ombudsman decision as they rejected all such appeals to date.

Should you get compensation as well as redress? At one end of the spectrum, most people will be delighted with the redress and won't want any compensation. But at the other end, you have people who lost their homes and they will have to get some serious compensation.

My own view is that the Appeals Panel should be disbanded. People who think that they should get extra compensation should go directly to AIB. AIB should be generous and settle these quickly. ( ptsb, for example, were far more generous than their Appeals Panel.). If anyone is not happy with the offer from AIB , they can go to the Ombudsman.

No, I mean going directly to AIB.

In the ordinary course of events, if someone has a complaint they go directly to the service provider and most service providers resolve complaints fairly quickly.

When Ulster Bank's systems crashed some years ago, they set up a group of staff to deal with complaints generously. If I recall correctly, they had one complaint to the Ombudsman.

AIB should do the same. It would be far cheaper and quicker than the Appeals Panel.

Most people can make such a complaint themselves. They don't need a solicitor.

Received the monthly letter today from the BDO to say the appeal was currently on hold as the panel is seeking further information from the Bank regarding the FSPOs decision it's dated yesterday so I guess they didn't check the AIB website for this information!
Called the BDO today for an update on our appeal to see what they said. They explained they were very much in the dark on this too had had little/no information from AIB often learning about progress in the media. They did say that there was a letter issuing this week that had an update beyond regular your appeal is on hold we've been getting. I suspect it might just be to confirm what we already know re-implementing the FSPOs discussion.