Sole trader - unpaid invoice - what options?


Registered User
I am a sole trader.

I am owed a considerable amount, for more than two years, by one client.

Despite my best efforts, it now looks like I won't be paid.

What are my options?

I don't really want to go the legal route - too much stress and hassle.

Can I write off the amount owing against my next tax bill?

Any other options?

I'm sure this must be a common issue in the current climate, so I would be interested in any feedback.

Many thanks.

You need to give a little bit more information.

You must make reasonable efforts to get payment.

You say you are dealing with a sole trader and not a company - is that correct?
Is there a registered business name for the sole trader or is it just 'Jack Smith'?
What (if any) is the relationship to you and the sole trader?
Was there any issue with the good and services that you supplied?
Did you invoice properly?
Have you sent a final formal demand by registered post?
How much is owing? As €15k is the district court limit since February 2013. The Circuit Court is €75k.

The process is straight forward if a debt is owing and there is no issue with the goods.

Give answers to above and can suggest further action.

Thanks for the reply.

Sorry, to be clear, I'm the sole trader - commercial photographer. My client is a private individual.

The images I shot for him have already been used more than once in the last two years.

There was absolutely no issue with the goods. In fact, just before Christmas, he texted me looking for copies of about 70 of the images (there were 189 in all) because he had mislaid the DVDs. No mention of payment. Brazen dose not begin to describe it!

I've given up trying to appeal to his sense of duty.

The amount owing is under €2k - but, that's a lot to me!

Yes, I was considering sending a final demand by registered post. Given the time that has passed, could I add interest?

If he doesn't pay, can I write it off against my next tax bill?

Do I still have to pay the VAT on that invoice?

Many thanks.

Has anyone used this service from Stubbs Gazette?



To me you are not going to get paid.
You have the choice of letting it go , or going after him.

Suggest spend a small sum going to a solicitor and get a judgement against him.
If he is still in business a judgement is a bloody nuisance in that credit gets harder for him to get and a judgement follows him around..
At worst you put a halt to his gallop , and maybe the actuality of judgment may move him

For your own heads-sake , go and get the judgement, means he may worry more than you !.
Thanks for the replies.

I am a small trader - commercial photographer.

This was a private client, not a small trader/small business.

Thanks again.
