Case study Information required for mortgage arrears and negative equity questions

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Brendan Burgess

Please copy and paste this post into a new thread. If you give comprehensive information, it will maximise your chances of getting comprehensive and useful results.

Income details
Net monthly
(i.e. after tax) Income self: nature of income e.g. self-employed/public servant etc
Income history: e.g. "I was made redundant in June 2011 and have not had any work since..."
Net monthly income partner/spouse: nature of income
Income history:
Amount of child benefit received (Should be €130 per child)
Amount of Mortgage Interest Supplement received (MIS is the social welfare payment to unemployed people, don't confuse with TRS)

Personal circumstances so we can calculate your reasonable living expenses
The Insolvency Service has published Guidelines for Reasonable Living Expenses based on the family size, whether or not you need a car for work, childcare costs and other exceptional circumstances. By filling in this information, we (or you ) can calculate what your reasonable monthly living expenses should be.
One adult family or two adult family
Do you need a car for work or do you use public transport?
Number of children 0- 2 years old:
Number of 3 years old children:
Number of 4 - 11 years old:
Number of 12 - 18 years old:
Monthly childcare costs:
Montly spend on special circumstances: e.g. exceptional healthcare costs

Home loan
Amount outstanding:
Value of home:
Interest rate: specify whether tracker or SVR or fixed rate
Monthly repayment
Amount in arrears

Summary of discussions and agreements with the banke.g. in Marp since Jan 2011 . Have been on interest only since then.

Investment property - Delete if not applicable
Amount outstanding:
Value of home:
Interest rate:
Monthly repayment
Amount in arrears
Monthly rent received

Credit Union
Amount of shares
Amount of loan outstanding
Monthly repayment
Term left

Other loans and creditors - delete those which don't apply to you
Overdraft - amount outstanding:
Credit Card - amount outstanding
Credit Card - monthly amount you are paying
Term loan Amount outstanding
Term loan term left
Term loan - monthly repayment
Term loan - interest rate
Family loan - amount outstanding
Family loan - monthly repayment

Other savings and investments

Do you expect any lump sums in the medium term future?
Redundancy, inheritances, injuries awards.

How important is retaining the family home to you?
Which of the following best describes your situation?

I don't care about keeping the family home.
I would like to keep it, but will get rid of it if it means I can get rid of the mortgage associated with it.
I really want to keep the family home even if it means having a large mortgage and negative equity for years to come.

Any other relevant information

What is your preferred realistic outcome?
For example: "I will never be in a position to repay the home loan. So I want to sell the house and deal with the shortfall"
How do I copy this form into a new post, it is clear my initial post did not have enough information.
Wicklow23 I'm glad you found this thread, I'm not good on technology, but if you click on Brendan's post at the bottom, the quote button it will copy and paste the details into a new post and you can go into that and fill in the data. Take your time, the more detail the better.
Just adding to Bronte's post when you click the qoute and edit it accordingly with your figures, simply remove the [/QUOTE] athe the end and the
at the start and it should work.
Another way is to select within Brendans post above with your mouse and do Ctrl A. Then hit Post Reply outside and do Ctrl V to copy it in. The Ctrl and the V key need to be pressed at the same time.
You may also want to try the above and copy it to a word doc and do all your work there and save it locally. When finished in Word do Ctrl A, Ctrl C and then hit Post reply and Ctrl V in the message area.
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