Donald Tusk's "special place in hell" remark


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I have been known (alleged, ya eejit, alleged!!) to speak what passes for my mind on the odd occasion, but I found Donald's remarks today shocking. Not necessarily the words but the tone in which he delivered them. He sounded frustrated, just another word for angry, with the utter nonsense May & Co are visiting on us yet again.

Does Teresa understand that the offer on the table awaiting her government's/parliament's approval is not up for renegotiation? Does she understand she can't do side deals with Ireland? She either agrees to the current offer or crashes out with all the awful consequences for everyone.

I don't believe Donald's remarks are directed solely at Teresa but probably at the guy, her predecessor, who set us all up and then galloped off to the lucrative world on directorships, ghosted "auto-biographies" and the lecture circuit.

Anyone with an ounce of leadership, foresight or a number of brain cells greater than zero could have sat down with a bunch of advisors and brainstormed about "If A is outcome then we need to do this, if B is the outcome we need to do that, else we need to do something else." That individual or his side-kicks could have handed the tiny decision tree off to the high-paid help to model and war-game and come back in days or weeks with a solid plan. There was no plan, no modelling, no flow-chart just an opening of Pandora's box and no way to stuff the contents back in or find another home for them. As Del Boy used to say "What a bunch of plonkers Rodders!"

I think Donald spoke for me today. Does anyone agree or will I be thrun out with Teresa?
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I think Donald spoke for me today.

He didn't speak for me. Not with the language he used. He's supposed to be representing the EU as a whole and professionalism should dictate that he would choose his language/words carefully. Language that inflames the situation is of no help to anyone.

There is no other deal on the table. Mrs. May needs to realise that but insulting people isn't the way to go.

Brexit should happen at the end of March. Britain will crash out without a deal and there will be a hard border.
Poland and Hungarys antics within the EU but UK gets this reaction from Tusk? Fascist.

What help will Ireland get if our backstop eggs in one basket strategy fails and we end up with no deal and a border? We could survive a border with a deal.
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What circle of hell would the Italians and Greeks like to put those who came up with the Euro... Tusk kept Poland out of it despite the grand plan for its rollout.
I was delighted with what Tusk said .... not that I am saying I'm delighted with everything that he says etc.

It's long past time that this fiasco with BREXIT was called out for exactly what it is, with those who have caused it help to account etc.
Anyone ever try to do business in Poland? There's an awful lot of people to be paid before anything is even discussed properly. They're not unlike the UK in that they still have their own currency. He has some cheek for what he is and who has put him there. It wasn't the people of the European Union.
I felt his language was inappropriate. He should just say there will be no change to the backstop and leave it at that. In his position he should show more diplomacy .
I don't believe Donald's remarks are directed solely at Teresa but probably at the guy, her predecessor, who set us all up and them galloped off to the lucrative world on directorships, ghosted "auto-biographies" and the lecture circuit.

Did you hear what he said? He was not talking about Teresa May or her predecessor.

[broken link removed]

I have been wondering what special place in hell looks like for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it safely

Some British politicians agree with him

Prominent Remain MP Anna Soubry, however, predicted the European Council president would be “wildly misquoted” as she stressed he was commenting on leading Leave politicians rather than “the millions of good people they conned with fake promises they cannot deliver on”.
So if as you say Brendan Teresa isn't actively promoting Brexit, she must be actively promoting remain. But she isn't promoting remain, she simply wants a different deal that gets parliamentary support to leave or in the absence of a different deal she'll be forced lead her country in a crash-out. Ergo she is promoting Brexit and she has no plan other than run around like a headless chicken trying to negotiate the unnegotiable.

I say Donald targeted all of them who touted "out" by lying about the benefits for the UK and those who now want an orderly "out" but only on their terms.

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I think they should blame their own people who lied their way into the Euro.

Maybe, but then like the euro, there doesn't seem to be a good way for the people to get out of such a mistake.

So really the Brits should be blaming not the Brexiteers but the politicians like Major who locked them into treaties such as Maastricht without a vote or popular support and no safe esacape plan.
So if as you say Brendan Teresa isn't actively promoting Brexit, she must be actively promoting remain. But she isn't promoting remain, she simply wants a different deal that gets parliamentary support to leave or in the absence of a different deal she'll be forced lead her country in a crash-out. Ergo she is promoting Brexit and she has no plan other than run around like a headless chicken trying to negotiate the unnegotiable.

I say Donald targeted all of them who touted "out" by lying about the benefits for the UK and those who now want an orderly "out" but only on their terms.

May actively campaigned to remain. She then took the poisoned chalice of becoming PM, and that meant she has to negotiate the deal to leave.
Yes it was, through their elected representatives. It's called representative democracy.

He wasn't put there by the people of Europe in a vote. His position does not represent any democratic vote.
Anymore than a US cabinet member was put there by the American people.
He wasn't put there by the people of Europe in a vote. His position does not represent any democratic vote.
Anymore than a US cabinet member was put there by the American people.
Exactly; he was appointed by us through our elected representatives rather than being directly elected.
So far I heard the following from UK politicians:
  • We can use food shortages as leverage to get Ireland to drop the backstop
  • Well I haven't read the Good Friday Agreement. It is 35 pages after all (Dominic Rabb)
  • There was never a hard border in Ireland (Arlene Foster)
  • I didn't know that Nationalists and Unionists didn't vote for each other. (Karen Brady (NORTHERN IRELAND SECRETARY)
  • English people are entitled to an Irish Passport and Irish people are entitled to an British passport (Andrew Bridgen Tory MP)
Given the above, does any reasonable person not see why Ireland is so reluctant to trust the UK position that everything will be ok on the night with regard to the Good Friday Agreement. An agreement that they designed, co-signed and are obligated to protect. And we still have a Northern Ireland secretary who didn't know Unionists and Nationalists didn't vote for each other or a politician who thinks Ireland can be united anytime the people in the South decide it. I love England and I have English family and friends but Brexit has brought out the worst in the very many little Englanders who are free to spout their ill-informed, xenophobic, racist views under the Brexit banner. Tusk is right about the people who have been plotting Brexit and peddling lies for years.