Key Post Discussion of developments and developers now banned

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Brendan Burgess

This forum has become extremely time-consuming for the moderators.

We are inundated with threats of defamation and PMs about different issues.

The moderators have to waste a huge amount of time from developers promoting their own properties and defaming others.

We had considered closing it, but we will first try new posting guidelines.

1) The forum is to be used only to discuss the general principles of overseas investing.

2) It is not to be used to discuss particular developments

3) It is not to be used to discuss particular developers

We will allow links to articles in an Irish newspaper referring to problems at a particular development or legal action on behalf of Irish investors. Obviously this does not extend to links to articles promoting particular developments.

Where I have been able to do some personal research on developers such as MRI, I will leave those posts. Otherwise all discussions of developers and developments will be removed.

If someone wants to set up a new website to discuss developments, then we will provide a link to that website.


Will posters be allowed to use the forum to make contact with similar investors?

e.g. "Has anybody purchased an apartment in XYZ, from ABC ?"
But if we cant mention developers / developments then how can we get advice which i thought this is what the whole point of this website was about?

i have only just joined up and have found some very useful info on it.

so is this what it means when something gets "banned" - that there has been a complaint from the developer etc?? if so well that doesnt really seem very fair to me.

i could certainly understand if posts were banned because there was bad / crude language or inapprioriate / offensive messages but if its just about someones experiences then surely we should be allowed to discuss these freely.

part of me thinks if they (developers etc) had nothing to hide then they wouldnt be asking that discussions get banned.
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