"Council will buy my house and rehouse me"?

Brendan Burgess

I have been told of a scheme in Cork City Council where they will buy a house from a 70 year old single person for 60% of the market value and rehouse them in more suitable house. The person is on a very low income.

I had not heard of this before. What is this scheme and does it apply to other councils as well?

I have heard it happen once before. A former work colleague told me that her mother made a similar arrangement with Dublin City Council a number of years ago (I don't know what money changed hands). The woman was housed in an apartment designated for senior citizens.

The woman was in poor health at the time, I suspect that social workers, health professionals etc might have been involved with the transfer\sale.

The house had been a DCC house originally, and was bought many years prior by the family under the tenant purchase scheme.
That would explain it ok.

It's not a particular scheme but something which is negotiated as a one-off.

My father in law has done this in Dublin, he sold his house to DCC for 70% of its value. He is living in a senior apartment complex his rent is €40 a week which includes unlimited heating, he pays his own electric. Any issues he logs them with maintenance.

He has a weekly check in phone call, 24 hr panic button and a community of like minded neighbours, with a community room for social events. He comes and goes as he pleases to his gated complex. The apartment dies with him. Its been a fantastic scheme for him as a widower. Everyone living their is age 55+