After Covid


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For some unknown reason I got a call from my doctor for my first vaccination, not sure why I'm getting it now but I'm not complaining
Now that I've had the first jab my thoughts are starting to focus on life after covid and everything returning to normal
And like most people I'm looking forward to doing a few things that we have been unable to do for the past year like going to the cinema, eating out and travel
But I'm wondering what are the things that people are not looking forward to returning to normal??

I've two at the moment
Increased traffic on our roads and the noise that comes with that and how it will affect my cycling
The door bell ringing on an afternoon with an unexpected visitor popping over for a cuppa and a chat when you have other plans for the afternoon
But I'm wondering what are the things that people are not looking forward to returning to normal??

I've two at the moment
Increased traffic on our roads and the noise that comes with that and how it will affect my cycling
The door bell ringing on an afternoon with an unexpected visitor popping over for a cuppa and a chat when you have other plans for the afternoon
You sound like a bit of a grump, if you don't mind me saying. :)
A lot of marriage and relationship break ups coming , the normal scaffolding and release valves of normal functioning society were removed. Many people will embrace the freedom of single life after this. Inflation and rapid price increases of everything. A lot of people used to sitting at home , not having to goto work and all that, be difficult to get them back into work especially into lower paid menial jobs, therefore have to pay more which again leads to higher prices.
I expect prices to rise. People have not been spending and have been saving at low interest rates. It’s already happened with the housing market. Heard some “back to Celtic Tiger price levels” in some headline. The same will apply to other things in limited supply.
Taxes will rise to pay for the pandemic.

A lot of the benefits of the lockdowns, like more exercise and slower pace of life, will be forgotten in a year or so. Just like the post CT reality check.

All the bad habits of old will return.

Climate change will continue unabated.
've two at the moment
Increased traffic on our roads and the noise that comes with that and how it will affect my cycling
The door bell ringing on an afternoon with an unexpected visitor popping over for a cuppa and a chat when you have other plans for the afternoon
Know exactly what you mean Cervelo. The main thing i've missed is the travelling which i'll be doing towards the end of the season, around end Sept,/Oct. One thing I won't be doing is the Cinema or the pub and as for neighbours calling over? Hopefully they don't even consider it, I know I won't be visiting any for a very long time. I see enough of them and no i'm not in any way a grump. As long as my own family and friends are in my loop I couldn't give a toss. One thing that in no way will surprise me is, we could very, very easily find ourselves in another lockdown. We all know the real lockdown has been over for a few weeks now, God only knows what some eejits will get up to now, and i'm not talking about teenagers either. Good luck to everyone especially older people who haven't met family for a long time. Enjoy it while it lasts
I will visit the dentist and optician, not looking forward to it though. I know I can do these now but I will feel safer as things return to normal. I will have a pint, but in the afternoon when the pub is almost empty. I will get down on my hands and knees and open up the box of toys for my grand children that haven't been opened in over a year. Our grand children will visit and they will stay over with us.

I am looking forward to travelling on holidays again but not looking forward to busy airports and packed planes, early morning flights......but I need to travel.
Not looking forward having some jobs done around the house that will involve tradesmen and all that involves. I can't do these myself but they will need to be done.
I'm not looking forward to travelling for work. I haven't been on a plane in a year and a half and I haven't missed it.
Get a hair cut. The hairdresser was busy when I called last November or December so didn't get a trim since last July or August.
But I'm wondering what are the things that people are not looking forward to returning to normal??

I don’t fly much and I don’t like all the queuing in airports.
The Covid vaccine certificate queue will be another layer of standing around.
Which will mean getting to the airport that bit earlier.

Why don’t they put webcams in airports so we can assess how busy they are before leaving the house?
Bill Gates, eh?!
Yes exactly, we are indulging in schadenfreude now :) , still it can't be the pressures of covid, working from home stuff that affected them , they could have a mansion to themselves anyways with their wealth. In a way the aristocrats were right all along, why could they not just stay together and just pretend. But they are reaping what they sowed now with the whole social media phenomenon
still it can't be the pressures of covid, working from home stuff that affected them , they could have a mansion to themselves anyways with their wealth.
Well the gaff is 60,000 square feet so I'm sure they can keep out of each others way.
No doubt many will return to the usual narrative of blaming the ills of the world on people they have never met .

Pragmatism/Altruism will yet again end up in the ditch...humanity will have "dodged another bullet " only to survive and create the same reasons why the pandemic happened in the first place.

Those reasons include abject poverty of billions and an planet dying more every day.

And when the next pandemic arrives, and it will we will repeat what we just done...... and so on and on.

We really need to develop a different way of doing things , the planet has enough to feed and shelter everyone and as scientists have shown when we have a common goal/threat we do great things....for a while

I have my dreams and understand the reality its a pity they'll never merge.

And of course I ll be having a creamy pint of Guinness.