Executor- Share dealing


Registered User
I'm an executor and beneficiary to a relatively straight forward will on which probate etc has been complete, assets distributed with one exception.

Part of the estate is a small number of shares in an Irish PLC worth about €12k. Our solicitor said he wouldn't sell them for us. I now wish to sell them and split the funds between me and the other beneficary (that has all been agreed between us) . Computershare are the register and they have been their usual inefficient selves in terms of resolving things but they have finally updated their records with me as the executor.

So my questions are
The share cert I have is still in the deceased's name. Do I need to get a new one to reflect she is deceased or what do I need from Computershare to facilitate the sale?.
Secondly, can someone recommend a broker who will deal with a simple sale like this and is there anything else I need to help facilitate the sale?
Not sure in what way Computershare were inefficient? They seem to have resolved the issue as they know you are the executor. So they must deal with you. Have you asked them how you can sell the shares?

I'm in the process of being administrator, where there are shares. One letter from a share group UK says the executor can deal with the shareholding, and if the amount is small, below 20K sterling, they will deal with it under their 'Small Estates' rule. You've to phone them up an pay a fee to them for this

First port of call for you should be to phone Computershare and ask them your options, though I'd follow up in writing.

(ironically one of the shares is Computershare, for BofI shares, but I'm not touching anything until appointed Adminstrator)
Not sure in what way Computershare were inefficient? They seem to have resolved the issue as they know you are the executor. So they must deal with you. Have you asked them how you can sell the shares?

I'm in the process of being administrator, where there are shares. One letter from a share group UK says the executor can deal with the shareholding, and if the amount is small, below 20K sterling, they will deal with it under their 'Small Estates' rule. You've to phone them up an pay a fee to them for this

First port of call for you should be to phone Computershare and ask them your options, though I'd follow up in writing.

(ironically one of the shares is Computershare, for BofI shares, but I'm not touching anything until appointed Adminstrator)
Thanks, Computershare were just so slow in doing stuff, taken about 6 months and an additional letter from the solicitor to get them moving. In fairness, they were very helpful when i got talking to someone but they are appalling at answering calls.
Thanks, Computershare were just so slow in doing stuff, taken about 6 months and an additional letter from the solicitor to get them moving. In fairness, they were very helpful when i got talking to someone but they are appalling at answering calls.
And so what is the next step?