ZoneAlarm warning message

Brendan Burgess

I have the ZoneAlarm firewall on my pc and I recently, I have been getting the following message when I start my pc. I checked the ZoneAlarm website, but it's all Greek to me. Any simple explanations of whether I allow or disallow these:

Generic Host Program for Win 32 Service is trying to act as Server:
Sychost.exe Port 135

Generic Host Program for Win 32 Service wants to accept Connection from the Internet
Sychost.exe Port 1900

I just disallow them and there doesn't seem to be any problems arising.

Any ZoneAlarm experts who can translate the above for me?

Looks like you have a virus (LEOX.B to be precise). Therefore you should definitely block it's access to the internet. Make sure your virus database is up to date and do a full scan to clean your system. If that doesn't work, the Symantec page linked has full instructions for manual cleanup.
Are you sure that you did a full scan? It certainly looks like you have the virus mentioned above - just look at . You should really continue blocking but get to the bottom this and remove the problem ASAP.
Hi Brendan

I would follow the recommendations above. If your virus scanner did not detect the virus then I would use an alternative. For example you could use any of the following
(i) Symantec's online security check at [broken link removed]
(ii) McAfee's online service at

The above enable you to use alternative virus scanners without having to install additional software.

Once you remove the virus you should also try and determine where it came from to prevent it re-infecting your PC or any other PC on your network. From reading about the virus it appears to spread via QQ, which is a chinese instant messaging program.

From reading about the virus it appears to spread via QQ, which is a chinese instant messaging program.

Is there no end to Brendan's linguistic talents? :)
