- propaganda tool or citizen journalist


Registered User
Heard a lot about so decided to visit to see what all the fuss is about.
While a lot of the videos are harmless and funny, some not funny at all, I was amazed at the war footage that is available.

There is a huge amount of videos from Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and the recent war in Lebenon.
From both sides of the battles. Many US soldiers seem to carry digital cameras with them on missions and record their patrols. Some of it I've seen on FOX etc but a lot of footage is far too graphic for tv usage.
But the really shocking footage is taken by the insurgents/terrorists/patriots (delete as to your choice). The ferocity of the attacks is unbelievable. Enormous explosions from car bombs and IEDs destroying humvee after humvee, tank after tank. Flaming bodies been thrown 60-80 feet in the air, dead children and close up footage of sniper attacks on individual soldiers. And a lot of it set to music for our enjoyment.

Many of the videos are professionally produced by both sides as pure propaganda tools. From reading users opinions much of it is viewed as entertainment.

Do you view it as propaganda that should be banned or as an important source for revealing the truth behind war?
I don't see the point of banning it to be honest i see it as a insight to how the was is viewed by many on both sides. The most surprising thing i saw was how childlike in their behaviour much of the US footage is, many of these soldiers are really just kids throw into a desperate situation.

Nothing like seeing the reality of war to leave a bad taste in ones mouth. Disturbing though it may be i'm all for people having access to make up their own minds.
I hear what you are saying about it showing the reality of war. I'm surprised that it hasn't caused uproar in the states as you can almost make out individual soldiers faces before they are shot in the head.

I did a search for 'IED Iraq' and within the first handful of videos there must have been at least 20 or more marines killed.

This kind of thing must have an effect on public opinion in the US.
This kind of thing must have an effect on public opinion in the US.
The same US public opinion that holds that Saddam Hussein was a fundamentalist Islamic fascist who was behind 9/11 and had weapons of mass destruction perhaps?
The same US public opinion that holds that Saddam Hussein was a fundamentalist Islamic fascist who was behind 9/11 and had weapons of mass destruction perhaps?
You are sounding like a certain four footed farm animal that used to post on AAM...
Going off tack.... and caution before you click links, they aren't pretty.

Does anyone think that because the US hasn't been able to win (not lose, but not win) in Iraq ( vs, Afghanistan ( vs now Lebanon ( vs they will back off from Project for the New American Century or will they think they simply didn't use enough destructive power?

Iraq didn't have a functioning army yet alone WMD, but if a tiny semi-equipped wing of Iran (hizbollah) can hold their own against a mightily armed technologically advanced wing of the US army (Israel) have they not reinforced the belief of al-Qaeda and other anti-American groups that this is a battle they cannot lose?
Never really thought of youtube being used this way until last night. Unbelievable stuff. Important though. Might discourage some people from supporting these crazy wars (although it would probably encourage certain others).
Off topic but i thought there's a wierd irony in the Taliban (who banned televisions) having such remarkably high production standards in the footage, cgi intros with music and everything...