You're Not a Star



RTE Cop themselves on and decide You're A Star might not be such a great way to pick Eurovision Entries.

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Pity they wouldn't cop themselves on and stop using licence payers money to fund crap like You're A Star and anything else Eurovision related.
Pity they wouldn't cop themselves on and stop using licence payers money to fund crap like You're A Star and anything else Eurovision related.

Are they not likely to be turning a profit with all the text votes going to premium rate numbers?
With all the idiots texting and making it worthwhile to advertise during You're a Star I'd be surprised if it didn't make a profit. As to who get's the profit, I don't know.

Mate of mine in the music biz sings in pubs/clubs as an (ahem) side earner. He'd be quite a decent singer. He went in for the euro star 2 years ago, he gave the audition and got through, but he had to sign this thing that said his soul was no longer his own for any monies he made from music for the rest of his life (or for a long time anyway). When he seen how much money was involved he told us that he was making more money singing twice a week in a pub. He didnt sign the form, they didnt let him through and they didnt show his audition on the highlights.
ronan_d_john said:
Are they not likely to be turning a profit with all the text votes going to premium rate numbers?

So what? Showing tripe in order to make a profit to show more tripe shouldn't be in the remit of a national broadcaster, part funded by a licence fee (in my view). TV3 are well able to cater for the "You're a Star" market segment.
Oh I agree with that. I'm just not a worried as I would be if the Tripe wasn't turning a profit. I've long since stopped hopping that RTE would stop showing tripe. I put up now with the odd gold nugget of a good show and I stick on a DVD and ignore the rest.

If the tripe was loss making our TV Tax would be higher. If we must put up with tripe, let's be relieved when it turns a profit.

I don't understand why Brian Kennedy is the chosen one, or rather why RTE feels that Brian Kennedy will do better than whats his name, whats his name, and whats their names?
They've adopted the UK Model which didn't work particularly well for them, but I suspect will work slightly better than trying to convince us that winning You're a Star, makes you a Star.

I don't actually know what was wrong with the old system. The one that won 4 years out of 5. Oh Wait....Now I see the problem.

My Lovely horse....running through the fields....
You're A Star is independently produced (by Shinawil Productions I believe) and as such is probably more efficiently produced (in terms of cost) than an in-house show. It's also, I believe, the most profitable show in Irish broadcasting history. And as RTE commissioned the show, it enjoys most of those profits.
But since when is the main point of RTE to make a profit? If RTE makes bumper profits, do we get a reduced licence fee? Has the licence fee ever fallen?

If RTE was serious about making profits, they would sell the Montrose site (I hear land in D4 is in demand these days?) and move to the fringe of the M50 (a la TV3). There are also a few high profile TV and radio 'personalities' whose viewing and listening figures have been falling in recent years. Rather than redeploy them, why not get rid?

Anyway, this debate has been had here before (it was to do with "You're A Star" as well I think). For me, the bottom line is that there is no justification for "You're A Star", I don't care how much money it makes, for RTE or anyone else. And I wouldn't for a second assume that RTE earns the lions share of any profits generated by a show that is essentially a public-private partnership.
When you produce a show for RTE, RTE is the show's owner and as such the original producer has little or no ownership of the show -- usually. RTEs' Independent Productions Unit is pretty aggressive about this and as the only real buyer of commissioned programming on this island it usually gets its way, to my knowledge.

As for whether RTE should spend our license money on this crap, well I think they should just acknowledge that they are a hybrid broadcaster - essentially an operation forced to wear two hats - that of a public service broadcaster and that of a commercial broadcaster.
And speaking of "tripe" ..... Pat Kenny! Now there's RTE TRIPE! My husband says every Friday night (as I gasp in horror yet again) .."why do you WATCH it then?" and I always reply that I watch it in the vain hope that (a) there will be somebody decent on, and (b) he (PK) will finally realise what a gobsh*te he is and start behaving like a reasonably mature man! I don't tune in expecting to hear him say (as he did last Friday) "Go on .. tell us ... she wanted to jump on his bones, didn't she" ... when speaking to Ted Beckham about Victoria & David Beckham!! OH .... MY ..... GOD !!!
I have another five-letter nickname for him, also beginning with 'P' and ending in 'k'...
But then I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than watch the Late Late, and since long before PK came on the scene!
The Late Late provides a critical social service in our house. I have some of my best sleeps in front of the Late Late. Not a light doze in front of the TV sleep - but real, real deep REM sleep, complete with the inevitable drool down the chin and (I'm told) fairly noisy snoring. Keep up the great work, Pat - Better than Valium any day.