Your Tip(s) of the Day


Registered User

Do you have any tips such as 'Around the house' - 'Cleaning' - 'Motoring' - 'Cooking' etc.

1. Put a hot towel on your face 5 minutes before shaving to reduce irritation by 90%
2. Mould around windows (especially apartment living due to condensation) - Clean around windows with 3 parts water / 2 parts bleach - reduces rate of growth by 70%

You get the idea
Loads here: [broken link removed]

My personal one - guys, leave your razor soaking in a sink of hot water 5 minutes prior to use - much easier, smoother shave.
Guys, hide your razor from your wife and daughters when a big Girls' Night Out is impending.
Familial Serenity Tip -

Never throw your Granny off the bus 'cos she's your Mammy's Mammy.
1. Put a hot towel on your face 5 minutes before shaving to reduce irritation by 90%

leave your razor soaking in a sink of hot water 5 minutes prior to use - much easier, smoother shave.

Guys, hide your razor from your wife and daughters when a big Girls' Night Out is impending.

Don't bother shaving, no razor problems and at least 2 months more in bed over a lifetime
Ahh the good old viz list.

Don't waste money buying expensive binoculars. Simply stand next to the object you wish to view!
I loved this one:

Impress your friends and pretend you have an expensive gravelled driveway by glueing rice crispies to your tyres.
My favourite

Housewives: When nipping out to the shops, remember to carry a stiff broom in the boot of your car. Use it to sweep the broken glass to the side of the road every time you have a minor accident.
A next door neighbour's car aerial, carefully folded, makes an ideal coathanger.

Cut out small circles of cling film , stick them onto your eyes and use in lieu of expensive contact lenses.
Put a bit of high-vis clothing on your dog (especially if you've a labrador/retriever) and you'll never have to queue again...