Your Country Your Call - have you checked it out yet?

This isnt a revenue generating idea - it isnt going to create anymore income for the country. Its simply an expenditure cut through rationalisation.
This isnt a revenue generating idea - it isnt going to create anymore income for the country. Its simply an expenditure cut through rationalisation.
I would disagree. It depends what your goal is.

Is the goal to just create jobs - busy work - or is it to create world beating companies.

If it's busy work well that's easy to do, we've been doing that since the creation of the state.
  • Bring back the Irish Sweepstakes. Use the income to bloat the admin and middle management of the HSE.
  • Make all unemployed people sweep the streets, effectively turning them into low paid Council employees. This will greatly improve the tourist industry.
All countries engage in some element of Keynesian economics. The US sends monkeys to the moon with the ultimate aim of developing world beating high technology companies. We subsidised the construction sector so we could have - God knows what.

The vague notion of having a green economy isn't bad because you hopefully spawn a load of companies, some of which become world beaters.

But you can also aspire to having world class Local Government IT systems and see what companies that spawns.

For example, Curam Software is an Irish company that specialises is Social Security systems, though strangely enough they don't sell into the Irish market.
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