XBox Elite V XBox 360


Registered User
I am being driven to distraction by a 15yr old for XBox Elite for Xmas. Anyone got any info on this games machine versus the other model.... All you games people out there, please give me your ideas.


difference is elite is black, with black controllers, has 120gb HDD and HDMI ports.

Google it to get full spec
He has done all the 'googling' etc.... but I have gone into Smiths, Xtravision, and Gamestop, and they all said that the 'elite' was not worth the €100 extra just for the colour and the extra memory.......
He, on the other hand, says that it is vital to have all that extra memory even though the others say he would be hard pressed to use the memory.
I know these lads know their stuff, but he got me to put this on AAM to see what others think....
I'm afraid, he is like all other 'spoiled' 15 year old's, he wants the biggest and the best (in his mind), god help him when he goes to buy his first car.... he will then realise the value of money....
So genuine comments from any of you 'gamers' would be appreciated....