
The main problem with the School of Philosophy and Economic Science is that they hide the fact that they are a religious group. For that reason alone, I would not trust them.

if they advertised

"Learn philosophy the Hindu way and worship the God Ram"

then you could make a more informed decision as to whether it was the right course for you or not.

The main problem with the School of Philosophy and Economic Science is that they hide the fact that they are a religious group. For that reason alone, I would not trust them.

if they advertised
I heard on the radio yesterday that a company who claims they are a religious group are not obliged to pay tax! I'd stay well clear of those guys!

I wonder will Berties new book be designated to the "Bible" section ..
Thanks for that link Brendan. There certainly seems to be some strange things posted about them that I was not aware of.

Very strange that they so vague about their religious leanings. I am also surprised that they are allowed to advertise in such a way if they are not actually providing the course that they are advertising.

You would think one of the 1200 students they claim to have attending per week would make a complaint about them.