wrong date on solister fees



hi guys jus looking for your options really

Id a bad RTA in jan 09 and was claiming from the third parties insurance for injuries to my back and neck after been assessed by 4different docturs and specialists i was refered to the PIAB assessment and they evaluated my claim and in november i received an offer i thought was reasonable

so to make a long story short my solister who i found on claims.ie and who i never actually meet (everything was via email,letter,and phone) issues me my bill last friday it looks a pretty high figure but when i looked at the date of the accident on the bill it was dated nov 2007 the wrong date with a 14month difference

can i dispute some of money over the date been wrong or would it be a typo like he claims but surely 14months is a bit much 2 4 a typo and we had a bitter relationship form the start his not an easy man to deal with