Would you pick up a penny?


Henny Penny

I thought about this when hoovering today ... came across a 1c coin and debated sucking it up with the hoover. What value has it really ... would you bother picking up a penny if you saw one on the street or floor ... moral objections aside ... not being the legitamate owner of the coin ...?
see a penny , pick it up all day long it will bring you good luck
Can't see myself stooping for anything less than 5c
If you sucked it up you might cause more than 1 cent worth of damage to the vacuum cleaner though
Absolutely! And have frequently tried to pick up that old 50p stuck to the floor in Blanchardstown Shopping Centre, feeling more and more foolish every time
i know someone who picks up every cent they find and then put it in a charity box
re: pick up a penny?

I would think I too would pick it up. Have a change jar at home and its amazing how all the coppers add up after a while. You could give to charity,treat yourself to a meal or whatever after a while. It would just be instinct to me to pick it up!
Re: re: pick up a penny?

I do - and have trained my 3 year old to do so also. She calls them her lucky pennies. All copper goes into a jar - must bag it and bring to the bank!
relative value of money

I think the question opens up a broader question about the relative value of money to different people. If, would you pick up:
a) a penny, no
b) 50 Euro note, yes

Then where is the cross over point in between?

Had an experience when living in France a no. of years ago, buying some bread. Was due some change (centimes) which I had thought had almost passed out of circulation, and in any case was worthless to me. Had started to leave & the assistant called after me for my change. Afterwards I felt that my behaviour had been a little rude and arrogant (bloody rich tourists!).

My position now? If I drop a penny, then I'll pick it up. If I see it lying in the gutter, then no...
Re: relative value of money

yes, I would pick them up,
usually I would keep them separate and treat them as good luck charm. If I was short 1/2/5 cents and could not buy something, I would them remember that I have my odd few cents I found.
I'm sure I drop loads so what goes around, comes around.
relative value of money

There is a guy at work noted to be a bit tight with the cash and one of the oither guys glued a penny to the floor to see what lenghts he would go to get it, very funny to watch !!,

Good post henny,

I subscribe to the theory that if you pick a penny up, you got another penny.
Well Penny did anyone pick you up?

Oh sorryyou ment picking up cents
this one works every time. Next time you are at say a wedding. drop 50c into the urinal. Check back 10 mins later and hey presto - its gone. And whoever picked it up will be outside buying rounds the size of croke park for people wo dont want them!