Wrong forum Would you be interested in searching for property based on monthly repayment amount?

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Hi all,

I'm a web developer woking on a property listing service. (mods: I won't mention any brand names or links).

My idea is that instead of searching by house price and location, you can put in the amount that you would be comfortable paying towards a mortgage each month. You also say how much you can afford as a deposit and where you would like to live.

Then the software calculates the maximum property price you can afford given current interest rates and shows you a list of properties in the location you specified which fit the bill.

I think that this will make it easier to decide how much you want to spend on a house because you're dealing in monthly payments, with the mortgage interest already factored in rather than house prices which are often measured in hundreds of thousands.

So what do you think? Interesting idea? Would you use it?
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