Worst customer service award


Registered User
So who has the worst customer service?

My contender would be Smart Telecom Customer Service.

1 800 number constantly engaged.

Help line phone menus that are impossible to navigate and usually after 30 mins on hold you end up with some eejit that tells you 'Sorry wrong department' so he/she transfers you off to the ninth circle of hell again.

Assurances that they will call you with an update never ever kept.

Records of the problem routinely lost so you have to start from scratch again.

They'd say Mass if they thought it would get rid of you.

My personal favourite: if they can't fob you off with some blather and you try an pin them down on a time/date to fix the problem they will slide out by saying 'well that’s actually an Eircom problem' and our SLA blah blah blah.

All I can say is thank God for mobile phones.

Smart Telecom.....not so smart

So any other contenders?
I always felt Smart was a two bit operation. The CEO doesn't have a clean history either. I'm glad Com Reg changed their mind about them..............madness to consider giving them a 3rd generation licence
My votes:

BoI Card Services
Iarnroid Eireann/DART
NUI Galway
Broadworks 'Communications'
Eircom - I can't believe there could be any other contender with such resounding claims, 1 hr to get through to someone. However broadband sales are much better, approx 40sec before I can access someone. I feel however that additional broadband staff would be better served on the engineering side, after all it occasionally helps if sales when there is an actual product to sell!!
When I was on my quest to get broadband for our house in the wilds of north county Dublin I mailed Eircom about their fixed wireless access service. Three weeks later, yes three weeks ! ( after I had forgotten all about them ) they replied to me. I nearly fell off my chair laughing , are they for real or what?
bazermc said:
Yeah the revenue commissioners they win hands down

I agree, only taking calls between 9.30 and 12.30 even then you only get a machine.
Dept of Social Welfare ... child benefit section ... you could be holding on for a week to talk to someone ... they even advise you on the voicemail not to bother holding on ...

I haven't had to deal with them for over two years now - so its possible they've improved in the meantime - but I doubt it.

Revenue Commissioners deserve honourable mention for the last six months.

SKY: frequent equipment/service breakdowns....waiting on the phone (for which I pay for), for an average of 30 mins to speak with them. Then wait 5 more days for someone to call out.

Once...can live with
Twice...a little annoying
Three times..this is really getting on my goat

...why not go elsewhere I hear you say...... yep would be gone in a shot if there were viable options.
NTL nearly caused the break up of my relationship.

Once had a problem with digital service. Waited 3 weeks for someone to come out and had to take a half-day off work (they won't give you a definite time). The guy arrived at 12.50 and within 2 minutes told us he was the wrong kind of technician and we needed to get someone else. Rang customer services (hah) and arranged another visit (2 weeks later) with the right person.

Took another half day and when the time came the same person walked in again. Before we said anything he said "This place looks familiar". He then realised his mistake and then left. 2 more weeks later the right guy came and fixed the problem.

Another time, they cut us off by mistake (meant to cut off next door). Guy comes out to fix it (again us having to take time off) and announced that his ladder wasn't long enough to reach the connection and that non-one with the right length ladder would be available for 3 more days.

Billing problems where they changed the name on the account to something else and tried to bill us twice for the same address going as far as to send us threatening letters demanding payment for a service we weren't receiving (i.e digital).

It goes on and on... the problem with having an effective monopoly (we can't get a satellite dish). Definitely the worst in the world.
DunLaoghaire Rathdown Co. Council. I am being billed for someone else's black bin. I have advised them 5 times now and still nothing.
Social Welfare. I was spoken to like I was a second rate human being not allowed to have a life.
AerLingus customer service. Fobbed off for over a year.
Mercer. Can never get automatic annual statements of my pension.
Any public sector section.
Start at 10am. Break 12-2pm. Home at 4pm. Phones engaged constantly between 10-12 and 2-4!
I'm with Gearoidmm on this - NTL are by far the worst - I had that "wrong technician" issue and the billing problem.

I actually called them 7 times to say that they weren't billing me at all and should be, then suddenly they cop on send me a bill for €200 and a letter saying they intended to cut me off - they fixed that issue and then started issuing my bills in the wrong name - bunch of muppets

Coming in a close second would be Aer Lingus - they just never answer the phone
Its hard to beat CIE..not so much their back up customer service but their general customer facing service. Announced one day on the train leaving Cork that the train was delayed leaving because too many people had turned up to buy tickets that morning to get the train and they had only thought they'd need one man at the desk. One of the best i ever heard....
redbhoy said:
Any public sector section.
Start at 10am. Break 12-2pm. Home at 4pm. Phones engaged constantly between 10-12 and 2-4!

Having worked in a public sector public office i take great offence to that,

we opened at 9.30, had 1 to 1.45 for lunch and there were evenings were we still dealing with customers at 7pm.

that was a very general statement to make, which public office are you refering to ????
Very interesting to see that Aer Lingus has cropped up a few times and no sign of Ryanair .
maybe thats because people expect more from aer lingus and that bas service from ryanair is a given

i forgot to mention CIE, i have the displeasure of traveling with them daily.