Working single parent -no money at end of week

Have you thought about getting in language students. If you are working f/t a student wouldn't work, but you can take in the leaders.

I have done this, it pays better than a tenant, leaders tend to be in their early 20s, and there is no minding on them. If you are in a city, there may be community after school facilities available. As a medical card holder you will get a high subsidy.

Also, as others have mentioned not being in debt puts you in a very strong position.
hi all, can i suggest if u get maintenance from the father, does he not take the child, my childs father gives a shocking amount and im trying to get more. anyway, if the father is in your life than he has to take the child for weekends or whatever suits??
My childs father takes him one nite a week and i can work part time in a bar its only an extra 60euros or such but its better than nothing. .im in the same situation and id advise stay clear of credit cards, i prefer to be constantly broke and budgeting tight rather than owing a fortune! if u lasted this long then just keep going!!
its crap tho but at least kids are happy with the park, library and just having friends and walks on the beach! all free!!
U could cut back on the heating light the fire and a hot water battle and extra blankets on the beds! welcome back the eighties
Ud be amazed what u can live without, when u just dont have it!!!
Best of luck!!