Working part time in NI and JS benefit


Registered User
As the title says + living in ROI.

What happens in this case - is it complicated?

I'm thinking of PRSI contributions mainly.
Such a person is called a 'frontier worker' (images of racoon-pelt hats and Bowie knives come to mind!):

A frontier worker is defined as any employed or self-employed person who works in the territory of a Member State and lives in the territory of another Member State to which s/he returns as a rule daily or at least once a week.

If such a worker becomes partially unemployed, the state in which that person is normally employed is responsible for paying jobseeker's benefit. However, where a frontier worker becomes fully unemployed, the state in which s/he is resident will be responsible for paying the benefit.

A frontier worker who resides in Ireland does not require any Irish contribution to qualify under Irish legislation if s/he becomes fully unemployed.
Thanks Welfarite - so normally employed in ROI therefore ROI pays reduced JS benefit - yes?

Normally employed and also resident in ROI so nothing really changes other than strange terminology/description of status as far as I can see.

What about contributions though - working P/T in ROI, contributions would continue to be "topped up" during P/T employment - is there a way to do this whilst working in NI or what ususally happens here?
Not too sure what you mean....

If you're working Part-time in NI, then NI are responsible for paying your benefit. It follows then that credited contributions are on your NI record as well as your paid contributions from the part-time work. does this explain it for you?
Ah sorry - misinterpretation - I understand.

Do you know anything about the UK equivalent of JS benefit then or how it works?
Try [broken link removed]. Note the rate of payment is only 60 quid a week ... and that's if you're over 25!