Working overseas for Irish Company


Registered User

I am currently employed by and Irish Company, I will be relocating to Canada later this year. I am a Canadian resident. My company has offered me contract work while I relocate to Canada.

Does anyknow,

if it will be better if I got paid in Euros to my own LTD company in Ireland.


if it's better I got paid euros in Canada, after setting up a LTD company or soletradership there


if it's better I got paid in Canadian Dollar in Canada, after setting up a LTD company or soletradership there

My gut feeling is it will be better if I got paid in Euros, as it's one of the strongest currency at the moment. Can someone more knowledgible please provide some insight.

If you are resident in Canada, it is likely that your Irish Ltd company will becomre Canadian tax resident, and liable to corporation tax in Canada, as well as corporation tax in Ireland - this is then a double taxation issue.

You need to consider the tax implications, the currency issue will have to be your own decision, and I can't help you with that.