Working in Dubai




I am thinking of looking for work in Dubai. My current job situation is no longer secure here as i'm sure is the situation for a few in this climate. I wondered if anyone had any advise/experience on working/living in Dubai. I work in Architecture , any advise would be appreciated.

Did this for 6 months and could not stand Dubai any longer. The heat is a killer, ok so the office and car etc has air con but even just getting from the car park to the office ny glasses would fog up and start sweating like mad! Winter is lovely but once it starts hitting 40+ in March/April it was too much for me. Rent is very expensive and finding anywhere with parking is a problem. Tax Free is nice but I didnt pay my stamps while away so my benifits are a bit messed up. Dubai itself is just going crazy and getting silly, even the expats clubs are getting clicky and turning into an us and them sitiation.

Abu Dahbi is much nicer and better planned, there is plenty work for your skills in the City of Culture they are building (Goggenheim, Lourve etc) and rents are more reasonable but the heat is still there!

Its easier to find a job when you are over there and living in rental accom as many companies unless you are being headhunted or have a skill in very short supply will throw the CV in the bin as they get so many. I took a two weeks to find a role and handed my CV at reception for some companies I targeted. Handed it to 15 companies and got 3 interviews within a few days aparently if would have been more if I didnt have a Hotel as my return address.
I've some friends living and working there for over a decade, so they are happy enough with the place, but having said that yes, the rent is expensive, commuting is atrocious, and the heat can be unbearable. Like most things you can get from it what you put in, and their golden rule for anyone who moves out there is give it 9 months to get used to it.
I had a company called clarendon parker recommended to me, for job hunting, but i've no affiliation and have never done more than surf their site (there are a number of sites that come up on google that charge you a fee, avoid them).
There is a good lifestyle to be had out there, but for me one of the major negatives was the blatant racism that I saw from the Arab and European communities to the Indian / Pakistani workers, a European candidate would often be offered double the salary of an Indian person for the same job!