Working Hours



The company I am currently working with have changed the working hours that I am expected to now do. Originally, the agreement was that it would be 20 hrs per week. At that time it was not always necessary to work all these hours. They did however pay us for them. Now they are expecting us to work 30hrs with no extra pay etc in lieu of the hours not worked previouly, even though we never agreed on any such cumulative hrs scheme. Was just wondering if you could tell me what my rights are on this matter.
work - overpay

Alternatively, you could pay back the wages you recieved for the work you didn't actually do and then you'd all be quits.
As tedd mentioned , stick to the contract.What would the company do if you had no time for the extra hours i.e. another job demanding your time ?
if you're not happy working with them, why not just walk?
why expect special rights or whatever just because you got
paid to do nothing in the past? i'd just count myself lucky
and move on.