Work and travel (suggestions and ideas wanted)


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Sorry if this is not the right place to post my question...
Any ideas for a "work and travel" trip this summer?
Have more than 4 month of free time starting in two weeks, so would like to do a bit of travelling. Will need to work part time at least to support myself though.
I do not qualify for the US/AZ/CA work and travel programmes.
Any ideas what European country can be an option, as I can work legally there. My work experience is mainly in hospitality. Are there non-EU countries, where Irish citizens can legally work? Than again, language question has to be kept in mind...
switzerland, non eu looks favourably on irish workers, need work permits usually arranged by employer, and quite easily done for eu citizens, main language french, but a lot of english,i have two daughters working in the education system there and they love it,