witness for A1 form


Registered User
Hello, I'm setting up a limited company and want to send in form A1. I have everything filled in and memorandum and articles written, but have no signature of a witness who's a:
- commissioner for oaths
- practising solicitor
- notary public
- peace commissioner

does anybody know the best and cheapest way to get the signature of a witness on the form? and how much would a solicitor cost just to sign the form?

thank you!
Garda stations would have lists of commissioners of oaths as they use them.I think the charge is only a few quid
A local solicitor in my area witnesses documents for no charge. Call around and you might get the same from someone hoping you'll come back for any proper legal needs you may have.
A friend of mine stopped at one of the solicitors offices near the CRO the morning he went in to hand the doc. I know because I was there with him it is only 10/15 euro, if I recall this correctly - and it takes no longer than 5 mins. If you are in Dublin you can do the same on your way to the CRO.