Wine in Tesco, €8 is the new €6?


Registered User
I know wine went up by €1 a bottle in the budget but I've noticed in the past month or so that wine specials that used to be €6 now start at €8. Anyone else see this?
It's the same for a whole range of foodstuffs in Tesco. Even their bargain offers have changed to 2 for €4 or 3 for €4 from 3 for €2 etc.
Not only Tesco, one bottle of wine in Dunnes went from €10.56 to €14.50. A box of WKD went from €12.99 to €16.00 and was told the increase was as a result of budget changes. In the past week appears to have gone back down again
Firelighters Tesco value used to €.94 cent now €1.45. Iv stopped buying firelighters altogether, purchased couple bags of kindlings from a local chap and they light with few sheets newspaper.

Heard the cheap rashers went up in price but back down again.
I know wine went up by €1 a bottle in the budget but I've noticed in the past month or so that wine specials that used to be €6 now start at €8. Anyone else see this?

This was highlighted in a few articles I saw before the excise increase was brougth in. Excise is part of the fixed costs, most businesses apply their margin on the fixed costs. So the importer charges the extra €1, plus their margin. The distributors/retailers then add their margin on top of this again.

I note they have an offer on at the moment, giving a 25% discount on 6 bottles at present (I think there may only be a limited selection at certain prices to pick from, however):


Mr. Earl.
From past experience, bank holiday weekends are the time to stock up.
All main outlets seem to have specials, so look around.
Yes Tesco tend to do those 25% off 6 at big weekends. I've been buying wine at those deals for years and usually managed to find a decent pinot grigio at half price for €6 and then stock up. Same wine hasn't been less than €8 all year.