Windows Movie Maker to DVD problem


Registered User
I took some video footage with a small digital compact camera, the Fuji A820. I downloaded the video to a PC (Windows XP) and edited the few minutes together in Windows Movie Maker.
It was the first time I'd used any of these items and I was rather pleased with myself.

When I downloaded the cut version to a DVD, I find I cannot play the DVD in my own DVD player (attached to TV) or on a another PC (this time with Vista) and which has what might be a newer version of Windows Movie Maker.

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong and a way to overcome the problem? What I want is to save a version of the cut "show" to DVD in a way that will make it playable in other DVD players and PCs. Currently the "show" title has "(Read-only)" written after it.

I'm not tech savvy but the video files seem to be .MSWMM and I don't see an alternative.

All useful comments would be great.
By "downloaded to a DVD" do you mean you simply copied it to a blank disc? If so, then it is unlikely to play on a regular dvd player and you will need to use DVD burning software for that.

I use Windows DVD Maker as it comes bundled with Vista Home Premium.

If you don't have that you can find and use other software. Try Googling "DVD burning software". Others on this forum may also have suggestions.

Edit: Just noticed the file extension you referred to. This is a Microsoft Windows Movie Maker project file (hence MSWMM). To share the movie or watch it on another PC you will have to save it as a video file first using the save option on the menu bar. I don't have WMM on my work computer here, and I can't remember what the various options are but I think they are relatively self-explanatory. And the Help menu should fill you in.

Hope this helps.