Will my Dh be able to claim JA if I am working full time?


Registered User
Hi there,
I've looked at previous posts similar to my question and I think my DH should be entitled to claim JA, but a friend in similar circumstances earning similar money told me she tried to claim while her husband worked and did not meet the criteria. I'm just looking for confirmation or advice on the subject.

My situation is as follows:
I am employed full time, earning approx €450 per week after standard deductions, but before tax. So using the formula on the SW website;

€450 - €60 (€20 disregard for each day worked, up to 3 days)

60%/€390 = €234 (our assessable means)

Maximum amount for 2 adults and two children = €371

€371 - €234 = €137

Am I correct in thinking that he is entitled to €137 per week?

Appreciate any answers.
My Dh and I have both worked and paid taxes for 17 and 19 years respectively. He has been claiming JB since March but can only claim for another few weeks. From what I can see he should be entitled to claim JA, despite me still working full time, and I was just looking for confirmation of this. What people on the internet think of myself and my Dh doesn't bother me an ounce.
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I think your calculation may be a bit optimistic. Perhaps the best route would be to apply for JA shortly before JB runs out. Even if he does not get JA make sure he continues signing for credits to preserve his contribution record.

I think your calculation may be a bit optimistic. Perhaps the best route would be to apply for JA shortly before JB runs out. Even if he does not get JA make sure he continues signing for credits to preserve his contribution record.
Needabetterjob could you post more information
how long have both of you paid a Prsi stamp was it claas A1 have you breaks in employment in last 17/19 years.