Will I take the job



Hi Guys,

I think I need some help with deciding wether I should accept a job offer or stick to my old job.
The new job is in Bray and I would get paid 7k more than here....I live in Clontarf so I'd be in the dart for 50 mins every morning...
I dont like my old job anymore and do a lot of overtime! Sometimes we are here from 8am until 10pm...4-5 weekends a year as well. BUT the job is 10 mins away from home...
At the moment I only work a 4day week which suits me because of college. I go to college one weekend a month.
In Bray I would go back to a 5 day week but could read books for college on the dart.

I have no idea how I can decide and any suggestions would be most welcome...
I have no idea how I can decide and any suggestions would be most welcome...

Draw up a comprehensive list of (tangible and intangible) pros and cons attributable to each job and use this to decide which is the best for your situation. Don't overlook the fact that there may also be other opportunities for you out there and not just these two. Ultimately, however, only you can decide!

Only you can really decide but having just left a job recently where I was really unhappy I would say don't underestimate the effect your working environment can have on you.

One thing to take into account on the cons side of working in Bray though is how far from the Dart station you'll be. I used to work in Bray Business Park on the Southern Cross Road. You'll need to add in another twenty minutes or so to get up there from the Dart station. A bit less to get up as far as Dell (can't remember the name of that road, it's near Old Court). There's a local bus service (Finnegans) that goes every half an hour - that was three or four years ago so it could go more frequently now. It used to cost 60p.

Having said that I loved working in Bray. I lived in town when I first started but moved out to Stillorgan a few months later. This suited me because I had friends and family near there and once I got a car it was very accessible. The company I worked for had a great crowd of people and we socialised fairly often - there are loads of pubs and restaurants in Bray. I even liked the cinema - being able to hear the film playing next to the one I was watching just added to the charm
Will I take the job??

Hi you two,

Thanks for two really valuable replies. I have done a pro and cons list yesterday was was still unable to decide.

The job is actually in the Bray Business park and I would have to take the Finnegans bus...all in all it would take me 1.15 mins to get there, I'd say...
Is that crazy??
The distance is the only factor that stops me from accepting the job.
Having said that I do like the area around Bray. My parents live in Greystones and I could go out there more often, too....
Decisions, Decisions.
I have to make the decision tomorrow morning and it really isn't easy.....
Re: Will I take the job??

Would there be a possibility of moving to the Bray area instead, it could be a longer term plan while you look around and then sell up and move there, this would be made easier as you already have family there (assuming you get on). I know its a drastic step . With my 50 minute commute every day it does wear you down a bit after a while!
Re: Will I take the job??

how long have you been looking for a new job? maybe you will find one nearer, you have been offered a job with a good salary, so your skills are obviously in demand, if youre dithering only you know in the end what is the right thing for you to do - good luck

Selling the house in Clontarf wouldn't really be an option as I love it there and only moved there in March....
I'm just generally wondering if it's crazy commuting when it is "not really" necessary....
The job is Bray sounds great through and I would love to accept but am really worried about commuting for 2.5 hours a day...
From what you've posted so far it seems to me that the commute is the main issue or decision criterion. If the commute was not so long would you jump at the chance of the new job? This could be a deciding factor.
Hi Jacqueline

just to give you my own experience - I moved house last year and it meant that I was commuting 3 hrs a day to my then job. I have since moved jobs now and am only 15 mins from my new job, looking back I don't know how I managed to commute that long every day! I found it very tiring. Though must mention that my new job is better paid and has better prospects.

You have to weigh up if the extra money is worth the travelling... thats what it is going to come down to.
Sometimes we are here from 8am until 10pm...4-5 weekends a year as well.
Would you be working long hours in the new job as well? If you will only be working 9-5 Mon-Fri maybe an extra 2 hours commute would be worth it?
I've found the problem to really begin when you spend 2 hrs commuting and 12+ hrs in the office. Would the new job mean a longer commute but shorter/ more certain hours?
You say the new job is €7,000 more per year - but you'll be working a 5 day week as opposed to a 4 day week.

When you take tax etc. into account, you'll probably be worse off on a money per hour basis in the new job.

Doesn't sound like such a great deal to me!
I am a little familiar with that commute and I certainly don't miss it. The dart to Bray is not the problem, it's getting the bus afterwards. You usually seem to end up waiting for the bus for ages in the freezing cold. It seems to be worse in the evenings but maybe I'm only remembering the bad times!!
No, I remember evenings as being worse to. Maybe just because there was no shelter waiting for the bus. I frequently used to walk down to Bray in the evenings. It's a forty minute walk or so to the Dart station but it was a good way to get exercise. If I knew I'd just missed a bus it was definitely easier to just walk down because I knew between waiting for the next and driving down in the bus, I would walk down in almost the same amount of time.
You say that you'll read college books on the DART each morning - how likely is that really???
How do you plan to finish your college degree while now working a 5-day week? I agree with the other posters - don't just look at these 2 jobs. Stick to your priorities and other jobs will certainly come up.

I used to do the commute to Bray from the city centre, and while it wasn't too bad, there certainly were days when I was left standing for what seemed like ages in the rain....
I now live 15 mins from work and it's great, especially when we were getting work done to the house and I needed to be at the house at very short notice..
Will I take the job?

Hi Guys,

Thanks again for all your support. I have decided to turn the job down. I would have loved the salary but at the end of the day I wouldn't be able to keep up with my college work...and yeah, I don't think I would have read my books on the dart everyday..;-)
It would be different if the job was right beside the dart station but the bus going to the business park doesn't seem to be too reliable...
Anyway, I'm delighted I made a decision...;-)

Thanks and have a nice day..;-)))