Will I get a mortgage with a bad credit rating?



Hi Guys & Girls,

Would love to hear people opinions on this.

Myself and my partner are trying to make that first leap onto the market.
We have spotted the perfect house and all..

House Price is € 227,000.00. We are very lucky and can scape together around 30k to pay deposit etc.

I have requested my credit rating report as i did run into some difficulty about 3 years ago or less & have made an appointment to speak to a broker on Monday for professional advice.

I suppose my question is , Am i wasting my time trying to get a mortage with a possible bad credit rating ? Will any of the main lenders take me on as a result of this ?
Would a garentor help matters and is there any point in going down the sub prime route for a year or two until i could possibly switch.
Maybe thats too much risk to take..

Could anyone help me out a small bit ( not looking for donations just yet )
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