Will Battery Booster start my cold car - Renault Scenic 03?


Registered User
Car won't start. Scenic 03, old model. Battery seems to be okay as lights, ignition lights come on etc. just getting a tiny chug. Did this yesterday but then started okay couple of hours later.
We have a Battery Booster that plugs into cigarette lighter, but I don't want to make situation worse as it says something about not using with cars that have computerised systems?
Was thinking of putting a towel wrung out in very hot water across the bonnet, would this help? Can't open the bonnet either as the lever release thing inside the car is stuck (frozen?)
Re: Will Battery Booster start my cold car - YES IT WILL?

Have answered my own question.
Yes! The Black & Decker Battery Booster currently on half price €37 at HOMEBASE, started my cold car. Needs to be charged for 15 hours initially.
Car battery needs to be not completely flat, as in radio or ignition lights coming on.
Hi Sadie,

Next time try starting the car with radio and lights off, particularly if its a diesel and leave the glow plug light to go off to let it warm up the plug.

Re: Will Battery Booster start my cold car - YES IT WILL?

Car battery needs to be not completely flat, as in radio or ignition lights coming on.

Why is that?

Found my answer
[broken link removed]
If you have this trouble regularly, try 'putting your car to bed' when the engine cools put some cardboard or anything that will keep the cold from rising up into the engine bay(cold zaps batteries) as most cars have protection under the bonnet in the form of the noise/heat shield, but not under the engine, some cars have a plastic trim and this works.