Wife secretly giving money to in-laws

Always great to get updates on threads started, I think you were brave in your decision, but it was necessary. Best of luck for the future.
It sounds like you did everything you reasonably could to sort out the situation. Pity it didn't work out. It sounds like an awful lack of maturity on her part.

Best of luck for the future.
It sounds like you did everything you reasonably could to sort out the situation. Pity it didn't work out. It sounds like an awful lack of maturity on her part.

Best of luck for the future.

She also showed a shocking lack of loyalty to you and your son; she put her parents lifestyle ahead of the stability and financial security her own child's home and family. Disgraceful behaviour.
All the best for the future Neo. Looking back what you were dealing with was not solely a financial issue but a more deep rooted emotional / psychological problem on you wifes part.
You did the right thing, you had no other choice. Im sure it was a hard decision, but hopefully over time it will work out for the best.
+1 could'nt have put it better all the best

Well done. I've been reading this on and off for the apst while - better than any bloody soap opera.
I admire your outlook and the prospects ahead of you - may 2012 be your time.
+1 to all the above, Neo, and best wishes for the new path you're travelling now which, rocky though it may be at times, is undoubtedly pointing in a better direction.
You've done the right thing, and I hope 2012 will bring you a bit of well-deserved serenity.
Thanks for posting the update Neo, it's always good to hear the outcomes and it may help other posters.

You deserve a very happy 2012 and I hope it remains calm and peaceful! Well done to you.
You should have left that post Riad it was an interesting viewpoint.

Neo what an amazing ending to this story. Glad you are happier in yourself. I think your wife never mentally moved away from living at home.

Minion any chance of an update from you.
Well done Neo... important that you record your version as in future it will be important that your son knows the reason why you left. (printout out the full 112 comments to date and give him to him when he is older) can only assume the rubbish that the in-laws have fed him for why you left

If you can save a little and hide it away for him until he is older so that he has control of it rather than your Ex then that would be great

Best of Luck.
Best of Luck.

Hi Neo,
Glancing through your post is very interesting and the fact that you grabbed the bull by the horns and turned the situation around .............takes guts. Earlier you mentioned that you might convince your BIL to join the army..............times have changed - you need to convince the Army to take your BIL.

I'm very glad you are in a better place and at peace.
However I'm also very sad that such a generous man was never appreciated and paid such a high price

Best of luck in the future
Neo - when your divorce is final could you marry my daughter ?

I'm looking for a SIL like you -a good earner in a secure job who is generous to a fault and doesn't expect his wife to work.
God, I'd marry you.
Neo - when your divorce is final could you marry my daughter ?

I'm looking for a SIL like you -a good earner in a secure job who is generous to a fault and doesn't expect his wife to work.
God, I'd marry you.

Ha ha

I was just looking in here again too tonight. Very interesting developments from Neo.
I wish him the best.

Nothing so soap opera in my case.
In my own situation, it turned out our other brother was being hit up, as I was, for money too.
We sat little bro down and had it out. Had it out with his wife too. It all got sorted out because she is not talking to her father anymore now, after not just that, but other things that came out in the wash.

Basically a happy ending. Except my brother owes myself and my other brother a fortune. We just take a token amount from him.

His leech of a FIL now lives in a rented 1 bed apartment on his own, on the dole.