widerscreen TV



I notice that the E4 logo and the "Brand New" tag that appears at the top left of their broadcasts ae both cut-off to the left even though I have a Philips widescreen TV. Is wide not wide enough i.e. is there an even wider format coming out?
You can select to view a broadcast in different aspect ratio's with most widescreen TV's (4:3, 14:9, 16:9, Zoom (cuts the edges off a widescreen broadcast) and wide (strectches a 4:3 broadcast). It sounds like you are using the zoom function (or whatever Philips call it) and so you're not actually seeing the full broadcast. There should be a page in your manual telling you how to change the aspect ratio.
Re: mode

Assuming you've a sky box, one of the picture settings will set the output to 16:9 instead of 4:3, you also should check this setting in your DVD player. Might be worth mentioning to make sure the sky box is set to RGB and you've connected the sky scart cable to AV1 on the back of the TV - some TVs have only one RGB scart (just for a better quality picture nothing to do with widescreen).
I assume an NTL or Chorus digital box will allow similar settings to be made. If you've an analog service you don't get widescreen.
you can set your screen to auto so your tv will detect the format of the transmittion and set the tv to the correct aspect required.