Why was I asked for a PO number?


Registered User

Im about to order goods from a distributor in England and there asking me for a PO Number?

Why are they asking me for a PO number and what is a PO number???

Please help - need to order today.

Why don't you ask the distributor?!?!

In this context "PO" = "Purchase Order".
They would use it as a reference number on their docket / invoice to you, most Company's use them to match up orders against price. Its a Purchase Order number....if you don't use the system yourself make up one for example with todays date 090708 or a random number
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Most companies use a purchase order system in order to track goods from order to invoice.
If you dont use a purchase order system, either make up a number or just tell them to use your name as the purchase order.

Thanks evrybody - I didn't want to look stupid thats why I didn't ask the distributor.