Why Sinn Fein will never make it into power

Well they would argue that they could be on business in London for their constituency/constituents back home, but I see where you're coming from.

On the same theme there were allegations that Mary Lou just about knew where Brussels was (v. low attendance), now even if she tore the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language out the expenses there I gather she'd be in excellent company (Sinnott lady from Cork was nabbed clocking in to clock off and get a full days expenses before catching the morning flight home).
Well they would argue that they could be on business in London for their constituency/constituents back home, but I see where you're coming from.


Doing coinstutuency business in the capital of a country they want to leave and in a parliament that they won't set foot in. If that is not a reason never to vote Sinn Fein then I don't know what is
Doing coinstutuency business in the capital of a country they want to leave and in a parliament that they won't set foot in. If that is not a reason never to vote Sinn Fein then I don't know what is

Reasons not to vote for them:
1) Doing fund raising wearing a balaclava and carrying a shotgun.
2) Having economic policies that are closed to Kim Yong-Il than common sense.
3) Engaging in low-level intimidation of their opponents at grass roots level.
4) Having “close links” to murderers and terrorists. (“Close Links” is a euphemism for “being”).
5) Having a support base constituted of bigots and xenophobes while paying lip-service to equality and social justice.

Have you ever seen a situation in any Parliament where politicians didn't abuse expenses? Even are own arrangments are now worse than those in the UK, at least their politicians had vouched ones!

+1. Would agree with all of the above with added bit in bold