Why Glazier bought Manchester United


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None of the journalists or even entrepreneurs like Alan Sugar seems to be able to work out why Glazier bought United. From the information which we have at the moment the figures do not stack up. Just servicing the debt he is taking on will sink the Club and he will end up losing money.

No-one doubts that Glazier is smart. They just can’t figure what his angle is. He has already made a fortune and is one of the wealthiest self made men in the US. He is not going to put a couple of hundred of his own millions into a project just to watch it go down the drain. He has figured a way to make money out of it. He has also convinced a number of hedge funds to invest another couple of hundred million of their money with him in the project. Between them they have an idea of how they can make more money out of this project.

For my tuppence worth Manchester United are one of the most famous and recognised brands in the world. I don’t think he bought them to make money out of them. I think he bought them to sell them on at a massive profit.

Who will buy them. Coca-Cola would be my choice. They are huge. They have a market capitalisation $106billion. The money Glazier paid would be small beer for them and even if they paid Glazier twice what he paid, they would still be getting the brand on the cheap.

Coca-Cola and Pepsi have previously paid obscene amounts of money to popstars, Whacko Jacko, Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, Elton John etc, to endorse their product often for just for one commercial. By buying Manchester United, they would own the brand and could over the years pour money into the Club to make it even more successful on the pitch and they would be associated with this success.

Everyone is a winner.

BTW don’t forget the poem The Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke in 1822.

Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

The poem became famous. Then Coca-Cola managed to hijack Stanta. They dressed him in their colours which incidentally are the same as Man U’s colours (red, white and black) and now everyone believes that the original Santa always dressed in those colours, not in fur that was burnt and tarnished with soot and ashes.

Coca-Cola may not be interested in MNU but at least I have come up with one reason that Glazier would buy them.

Time will tell.

United are big all ovet the world. Coca-Cola is sold all over the world. There will be a brand association. Everyone loves a winner. I think they are a perfect match.

For that matter what has a fizzy drinks company got to do with a popstar

Other options such as selling the stadium or breaking out of the existing TV deal seem more likely to me at the moment. Anyway, time will tell when things settle down and he shows his hand.
Or considering that at the moment they get an equal share of the money for premiership matched shown in the far east even though about half of the ones shown have Manchester United in them they might look for a bigger slice of that cake and leave their domestic TV deal alone.
Well it was reported he plans on building a casino near the stadium and has teamed up with some casino operator from Nevada.

I believe he has bought the team to start building soccer in the US.

I cant imagine Coca-Cola buying a soccer team, what happens if they go on a losing streak? Huge brand damage to Coca-Cola. BUUUUTTTTTT selling the rights to rename the MUFC stadium and call it the Coca-Cola stadium would make a lot more sense, as this is a very common practice in the US.