Why are posters so disinterested in the Great Financial Debates

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Why don't we debate the US housing market as a compromise instead. As mentioned above, it is pretty fascinating at the moment. And it has the potential to cause worldwide problems.

I don't think that those blogs were there when they (the asking price drops) were first being published (I could be wrong about that but I was only using AAM for a complete HP debate so was not looking elsewhere at the time).

Still if I had been a buyer I would have wanted to see them which would have given a more up to date feeling as to what was going on in the market instead of relying on out of date PTSB/ESRI reports

Can't remember which one it was, but there was definitely at least one blog which sprung up out of the sentiment thread in order to keep the price drops in one place.

There is most definitely a place in the overall view of the market for this info - absolutely no argument from me on that one. However in the interests of making a thread interesting and readable, I personally found them to be more of a statto-attack than a debate.
We have stated and discussed our policy on numerous occasions.

We have asked on many occasions for someone to compile a balanced summary of the argments/evidence in favour of price rises and falls. No one has done that.

This debate is closed. If someone provides the balanced summary, we will consider reopening the debate.

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