Why are agencies advertising jobs that do not exist?

This has happened to me too very recently. I've just lost my job, which I had had for many years. I thought I was doing really well the first fortnight, finding and applying for five local jobs that I had the right experience for (I'm a non driver). Turns out that I hadn't applied for any really though, and had also had to travel a fair distance (at cost) to register with them, before they would discuss my applications. One of the agencies didn't even seem to know that I'd applied for any of their jobs, although it was from my application that she had my CV in her hand!There's nothing wrong with registering with agencies to help you find work, but they should be upfront that that's all you're doing. If I'd have known, I could have registered with half a dozen local agencies by the time I'd travelled out to one of these, and it would have cost me a lot less in transport. The local ones would probably have come up with more local jobs than the ones further afield as well, which could have got me back into work sooner. When you're out of work and you've no money coming in, that's important.
Now that I know how agencies work, I'll concentrate more of my time on applying for jobs where the application is direct to the company - at least I'll know it's a real potential job then, that could result in my getting back to work quickly, and that my application will actually be considered.
I wish I'd known sooner though, as I feel I wasted a lot of important time that first fortnight. There's nothing worse than feeling you've been conned as well, I was fuming.
Sometimes it could genuinely be that a position's just been filled to be fair, but on one of these agency's websites the exact same job was offered twice, word for word, very specific about the company's reason for wanting someone new etc, in two towns, even with exactly the same reference number. I cancelled my appointment with them (it was going to cost me about £15 to get there and back anyway), and if I sign up with any more agencies I'll make sure they're local. Although I won't be signing up with any more if I can help it - I don't like dealing with people who try to con you.
They should defintely be regulated, not just for our sake, but if there are any truthfull agencies out there, they'll be losing custom because of it too.
My son is also looking for work at present and he is very well qualified. He has been primarily interested in employment in the Financial Services. One thing he did mention was that when he searches for jobs on Irishjobs under agency,loads appear and when he only opt for employer there is almost nothing. The few jobs that he has been interested in have all been put on hold till after Christmas. The current employment situation is absolutely shocking. Crazy times ladies and gents and I fear it will get worse. Wonder how many non-Irish will be stuck unemployed??? As a matter of interest how do foreigners find working with Irish recruiters???
If you have the right status and documents, visa etc there shouldn't be any difference between a non national and anyone else. Same if your son went to work in another country. At least in theory. The reality might be a slightly different. If you go to France and can't speak french very well you're going to be at a disadvantage etc. Especially if its a technical area you're working in.

It been like this many times in the past, most recently in the early 80's. The agencies were doing exactly the same tricks back then too. They've been doing it for decades. Learn how to filter the crud.