Who's the sexiest woman in the world?

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Sandra Bullock. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, but she also said
"Everyone told me to pass on Speed (1994) because it was a 'bus movie.'"

And if we're playing would ya wouldnt ya, melissa hart is up there too. the pregnant shot above notwithstanding. ohh sabrina...
hilda ogden. really class bird. curlers, fag, dressing gown, voice of velvet and to top it all , an appreciation of art. who will ever forget her 'muriel' of flying ducks.
hilda ogden. really class bird. curlers, fag, dressing gown, voice of velvet and to top it all , an appreciation of art. who will ever forget her 'muriel' of flying ducks.

You sound as if you still miss her or are you really Stan?
Suellen:most posters would probably agree that one Stan from 'the town' is enough. mmmmmm....... changing my mind Sharon Ni Bholain (?) from rte is my substitute. ( better than any substitute the real Stan can call on)
Moaninho is about as sexy as Heather Mills (McCartney) and they share the same traits.
The RTE new reader...blond woman... no not Ann Doyle..sometimes does the late news...can't think of her name... a fine thing altogether!
I asked the brother this question, he reckons Miriam O'Callaghan is a babe ; the other half reckons Rachel Weisz - doesn't like the skinny chicks (or so he tells me )
Miriam o Callaghan a babe! she's what I would call a glorified granny and not a very good looking one at that. Did you hear her new false accent? Walcome! Walcome! pathetic. A babe is a beautiful young woman. There is no such thing as the worlds sexiest woman, there are lot's of them excluding Miriam of course.
I think any nominations should be accompanied with a link... its only fair.

Here's my nominations...

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