Who's the sexiest woman in the world?

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Re.Drool Drool

I hear Nell has landed the part of Grissley Adams in the big screen version of the 70's TV show.
Re: Sexiest Woman in the World

My wife, Rebecca, ....of course!!!
Re: Sexiest Woman in the World

I was so waiting for someone to say that!

Come on then tobo...show us a picture? :lol
Well now...

Sophie Marceau, especially as the Princess of Wales in Braveheart...hubba hubba...
Re: Re.Drool Drool

Miriam O'Callaghan...hot.hot.hot.

Oi! hands off, she's mine :d

As for Mr Ed and Grizzly, while I pride myself on being a non-sexist, non-ageist, non-racist, non-ableist, non-homophobic, right-on, politically correct libertarian who endorses whatever consenting adults wish to get up to in private, you two are seriously sick individuals :rollin

Please get treatment. Urgently.
What huge...

Jayz, piggy, I see what you mean that wan has the most enormous eyes
Re: What huge...

Yeah...she does. Especially in that dress
For me it’s a toss-up (unfortunate phrase I know) between Jamie Lee Curtis, Helen Mirren, and Christine Hamilton.
This cringe-making drool fest you lads have been going on with on this thread has been oh-so-predictable til now. But the inclusion of Christine Hamilton takes it out of the juvenile dimension and into the twilight zone. First I thought you were joking, but the inclusion Jamie Lee Curtis and Helen Mirren would suggest not. Dare I ask what the attraction to Christine Hamilton could be?

"This cringe-making drool fest you lads have been going on with on this thread has been oh-so-predictable til now"

We're a simple lot y'know. It doesn't take a whole lot to keep us happy
"I know, we're completely wasted on ye "

Yes...I won't argue with you there
Christine Hamilton

Actually of the three mentioned Christine Hamilton would be my choice.
Careful lads! She's British.<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->
[broken link removed]​
Nell McAndrew​
Who tango'ed Nell? Not a bit bitter, me

This Christine Hamilton fetish is becoming a worry though. I mean I know you're accountants and all but even so, the mind boggles ...

Some of us are computer geeks too Rebecca.

But we're okay. We like normal sexy women like Nigella

Notice we say woman not girl! So it would be someone mature, experienced, rounded, been there - in fact it could be someone else's wife, someone who is unattainable, untouchable, unapproachable even with a hint of an accent.

Re: World's sexiest woman

OK, can I withdraw my nomination of Christine Hamilton and replace her wth Ann Coulter?
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