Who monitors taxi drivers ??



ok we all have a horror story about other drivers and with the taxi drivers running riot on our roads espcially around the city centre areas like dame street and the quays at night time , who is checking their driving habbits ? the public transport ie buses and trains have a camera system loking at the drivers and road but not these complete bad drivers ?? am i on my own on this one
No you are not! The Taxi regulator is the office you should report any incidents to.
the public transport ie buses and trains have a camera system loking at the drivers and road but not these complete bad drivers ?? am i on my own on this one

My understanding is that these cameras are in place for the driver's security in cases where they are assaulted by a member of the public or for use in compensation claims. This is a security measure most taxi drivers would probably welcome.
... and with the taxi drivers running riot on our roads espcially around the city centre areas like dame street and the quays at night time , who is checking their driving habbits ? ...
Like other road users, taxi-drivers are subject to the rules of the road and the laws governing road and vehicle use, so the answer to your rather strangely worded and difficult to understand post is the Gardai.
the camara system on the buses as i have confirmed today from dublin bus is not just a security monitoring device but it can be called into play when a member of the public or other road user's have a complait about the driver or his/her driving manner.
now can you see taxi drivers getting the same system ? i dont think so
try the "carriage office" in dublin castle

The Taxi Reg is the people who look after Taxi business and affairs. If its a case of bad driving report it to the Gardai. There is no carriage office any more since the Taxi Regulator took over. [broken link removed]
In terms of driving habits, I find a good honk of the horn always helps! I had a guy basically pull out in front of me at the weekend within a few inches of my front bumper with no use of his indicators. There is nothing wrong with using the horn when it is justified, in fact I would encourage people to use it where appropiate.

I must say though I do find generally that my experience as a passenger in a taxi has improved somewhat in the last while. Fingers crossed the upward curve continues.