Which policy to choose


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My health insurance is due for renewal on April 1st.
We are a family of 7. Two adults. 5 children age 7 to 16.
No health conditions apart from high BP in one adult.
I want cover from private consultants in private hospitals.
Don’t want day to day GP expenses.
Don’t mind about private room once I have access to private consultants in private hospitals.
Basic cover for children is ok.

I’m getting no where comparing online. Any suggestions.
Hi Bamhan,

Quick question, what plan/s are your family on at the moment?

Assure vitality. It’s no good to us though. We have no access to The Bons in Cork where we would like to attend consultants.

The following Laya plan is worth considering covering all public and private hospitals including Bons Secours Cork etc.

Adult Option;
1. Laya Essential Health 300; price 895pa; all public and private hospitals covered + Beacon hospital(Dublin) including Bons Secours Cork,
private hospital excess 300 x 2 max for admissions and 125 excess per day case procedure in private hospitals only. No excess applies to any
public hospital.

Childrens Option; Special offer from 1st April 2018 - pay for 1st child and the rest of the children go free.
2. Flex 125 Explore; price 327pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered. Private hospital excess 125 per admission or day case.

[broken link removed]

Note; Regarding upgrading from Assure Vitality to Essential Health 300 plan, if you or your husband have any pre-existing illnesses or conditions,
there is a 2 year wait for treatment for these illnesses only in private hospitals. Public hospital cover continues as before with no waiting applied.

After switching to the new plan, any new illnesses arising in the future will be fully covered in private hospitals with no waiting time applied.
The 2 year waiting only applies to pre-existing illnesses.

Total family price; 895 + 895 +327 = 2117 + 3% charge applies if you pay by installments.
2117 + 63 = 2180

Thank you very much. That is excellent advice and very much appreciated.