Which model in www.cspensions.gov.ie best describes the Local Govt SuperAnn Scheme?

Re: Local authority status ?

Sorry, I should say that I reckon local authority employees are public service and not civil service, but there may be some nuance or there may be some flexible interpretation I'm not aware of.

Re: Local authority status ?

Hi Zag,

Ive changed your title somewhat to reflect your question a little better.

I dont know the answer to your question but I do know that all the Public Sector DB Schemes (Civil Service, Public Service and the Commercial Public Sectror) are based on the Model Employee Superannuation Scheme for State-sponsored Bodies from Dept of Finance.

I know that the website to which you refer deals explicitly with the civil service and any similarities with schemes in elsewhere may be coincidental.

I did a key post here some years ago you might find interesting Ill post the link if I can find it.
Public Sector Superannuation Links and Useful references

Re: Which model in www.cspensions.gov.ie best describes the Local Govt SuperAnn Schem

aj - thanks for the links, I'll have a read through.
