which form do i fill out



I am a PAYE employee who earns additional money from professional services (about an additional 30grand), I paid 20% tax on this (withheld at source).
Last year i filled out a form 12 with no problem. However this year the tax office sent me a form 11 (pay and file income tax return), however i think this may be the wrong form and i should just fill out form 12 again.
I'd appreciate your advice on this matter
If you earn more than €3k-odd outside of the PAYE system, Revenue generally wants you to fill in a form 11, not a form 12.

With additional income of €30,000 you most definitely should be filing Form 11( regardless of the tax withheld at source ) .
On the form 11 it says its for a 'chargeable person'. Then on the form 12 it states that a chargeable person is someone who earns an additional 50k (additional to their PAYE salary)
So is 50k the cut off between a form 11 and a form 12?
On the form 11 it says its for a 'chargeable person'. Then on the form 12 it states that a chargeable person is someone who earns an additional 50k (additional to their PAYE salary)
So is 50k the cut off between a form 11 and a form 12?

No. If you have non-PAYE income such as trade/profession and that exceeds €3,172 pa then you should be filing F11 / F11E . Part of the reason for this is the PAYE F12 does not capture PRSI/Levies where they may be due. The F11/F11E does.
Hi Gramham07,

I can't find anything on the revenue site that states that if your additional income is greater than €3,172 pa then you must fill in form 11E. Where are you getting this from?
Hi Gramham07,

I can't find anything on the revenue site that states that if your additional income is greater than €3,172 pa then you must fill in form 11E. Where are you getting this from?

The figure is actually €3,174 not €3,172 (apologies €2 out ) but here is the relevant link from the Revenue site.

[broken link removed]

Assessable non-PAYE income of €3,174 or more
An individual with assessable non-PAYE income of €3,174 or more for any year is regarded as a "chargeable person" for Self-Assessment and must file a Form 11 for that year.