Which estates to look at in Maynooth?


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We're currently renting in Straffan Wood. We like the town and the location (we work in Leixlip and Dunshaughlin) so if possible we'd like to stay in the town. If we've to move to Celbridge/Leixlip/Kilcock we will, but our daughter is in school in Maynooth so those would definitely be second choice.

Which estates are full of students and which are not? Which ones are rough? Which ones are considered "desirable"?

We like the look of the Parklands/Castlebridge estates and the Silken Vale area - are those ok? Thanks a million for any advice!
Yes, I did that before posting It was partly the responses that made me ask, because there was a comment that most estates have students. There are many more estates than were mentioned before, and I was particularly interested in the parklands/castlebridge/silken vale areas that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere.
No probs. Yeah, the one thing that struck me on the Show me the money programme on the lady living in Maynooth a long time back was the constant references to renting to students. Not wanting to generalise but having lived next door to renting students they do like to party, party, party
Lived in Parklands for a few years in mid-late 90's. Nice houses and very few were rented at that stage. We bought there because of the greens and the it was ideal for young kids as it was quite safe. The lure of the big smoke dragged us back to the Northside though. Fond memories of Parklands though - good community spirit and still enjoy a few pints with former neighbours!

If you're working in Dunshaughlin & Leixlip I would say look at the Moyglare road.That way you won't have to go through the village on your way to work. The more recent development ( Moyglare Manor I think) seems like a lovely estate. It's pretty much beside the Boys school and Secondary school, along with the GAA club.

Also recommend Parsons Hall and Castledawson is nice too.
Thanks a million for the replies. I didn't know where Castledawson was but we're viewing a house there tomorrow (thanks for that hint ). we're also viewing one in Parklands. Still don't know where Parson's hall is, but I'll be keeping an eye out. Thanks again
Castledawson is a bit tricky at minute as bridge out to it is down till next year, have to go through a few estates etc to get to it, Parsons Lodge is just before the former bridge on the town side.
Directions to Parson's Hall

After Castledawson on your right ( as you head out of town) there's an estate called Ashleigh Grove.

If you go through that ( 150 metres or so) you're in Parson's Hall
Thanks! Is Ashleigh Grove ok too? I mean, are all of the estates on that side of the Rathcoffey road pretty decent? I found a map and it looks like there are quite a few there. I'm already familiar with the estates on the beaufield side. I plan to drive around there this evening to get a feel for the place.
Yeah, Ashleigh Grove is nice, only a few houses there though.
The ones I named are the better ones, oh, also Woodlands is a good area.

Let us know what you think!
Ashleigh Grove looks VERY nice - bet it's a bit out of our league! I'd love to know what houses there would go for. I really liked Parsons Hall too. Again, I'd be interested to know what asking prices there would be IF any of them came up for sale. Castledawson was so-so - not too bad. The house that's for sale there at the moment looks ok. The viewing there is tonight so I'm interested to see what the house is like on the inside.

Funny how we've been in Maynooth 6mths and there were estates that we didn't even know about!
Thanks Ixus.
No problem!

jccf2003 said:
Funny how we've been in Maynooth 6mths and there were estates that we didn't even know about!

I know what you mean! Lived there 20+ years and wouldn't know all the estates, particularly the new ones.

I think Parson's Hall is around the 750K - 800K mark, though not 100% ( there were 2 houses on the market there recently).

Ashleigh Grove would be closer to 900K+ I'd imagine though there hasn't been anything on the market there for about 6 years.

Woodlands is worth a look too ( think there's 1 on sale there). It's right across form Beaufiled. Nice detached bungalows.
Forgot to add -

The Semi-D's in Castledawson are decent enough.
The one's I've been in have a small study and a decent sized sitting room.
Good kitchen & dining room space ( generally open plan the one's i've seen) & a downstairs toilet. HAven't seen upstairs.

One other thing, there are plans for further development behind Castledawson & Parsons Hall. Not sure of the exact timeline, probably after the bridge is reconstructed.

Worth asking the auctioneer about.
Also second Phase of Moyglarehall due to be launched in next few weeks, might be worth looking at, Coonans are handling it.
Good points about the new construction - definitely worth asking about. The house we saw was very nice (and well maintained too) - small kitchen but there are things we could do about that. The bedrooms and the living room were a lovely size. We were impressed. Are there many kids in that area? We have a 4year old, but the couple of times I've been up there, there just hasn't been anyone around. Seems a bit lifeless? Could just be the time of day - we plan on visiting at different times.

Virginiaman, I like the look of the new Moyglare development, but we're hoping to move out of our rental by summer so we just don't have time to go from plans. I bet it will be nice when it's finished. Parsons Court looks nice too, if that's the development you can see when you're standing on the Rathcoffey side of the construction at the bridge!
Thanks again,

Been a while since I lived in Maynooth but Rockfield used to be "highly desirable" (estate agents speak). Lived there for a couple of years (while I was a postgraduate student -we're not all into mad parties!!) and found it was a very nice pleasant estate with a good community feel - they used organise community summer party days etc. As I say though it is a few years ago now!

If you are interested in a particular house why not call in to the neighbours - it won't take you too long to work out if it is rented to students or not.. probably best to avoid being next to the main entrance to an estate as you'll have a lot of people passing by etc..

Hope this helps
Does anybody have any opinions on the Meadowbrook Estate in Maynooth?
Looking at Maynooth myself-I think Meadowbrook would have quite a few houses rented to students (from talking to a Maynooth resident).

There seem to be quite a few nice estates around Maynooth, and I was quite impressed by the town itself on a recent visit.
I had to give an update on my previous posts about CastleDawson! The first impressions I had of no-one being out and about are definitely not true, and there are loads of families with young children around. That was very appealing to us as lots of other estates seemed to be full of teenagers (which would be fine if we had teenagers ourselves). Doesn't appear to be any students there either. Definitely worth a look-in