Which boxset?

Excellent thread and some brilliant suggestions.

Rescue Me is excellent.
The Wire (what I've seen of it) is too.
Oz...not so sure. I liked it at the beginning, but couldn't stick with it for to long.
Band Of Brothers is fantastic.
The Pacific, no so much.
The Sopranos - Yes.
Firefly - nahh, not really.
Battlestar Galactica - yes, definitely
Caprica - if you're into BG, it tell of the origin of the Cylons.
The Shield - Seen a few, liked them.
Breaking Bad -Everyone raves about it soit must be OK at least.
Game of Thrones is supposed to be very good.
Boardwalk Empire also.
West Wing - definitely should be on there.
The Black Donnellys - Series canned but excellent. Get it online.
Heroes - It WILL drag you in.
The Tudors - ooh a bit naughty
Stick with the Sopranos, its pure class.

Also, watch The West Wing, you won't be disappointed.

Band of Brothers in 10hrs of pure quality, but give Pacific (from the same people) a wide berth, thats pretty average.

Never seen The Wire, but also heard its very good.
RMCF;1211864Band of Brothers in 10hrs of pure quality[/QUOTE said:
Actually, this is the only boxset I have bought and it's absolutely fantastic. Sorry to be naff but if times are tough I think about those guys and it puts things into perspective for me!
If you didn't see them on BBC4 then the Killing (the original Danish version) or Spiral (French police/legal/political drama) are well worth checking out too.



Wallander - the Swedish ones, now finally available on half-reasonably priced DVD sets
Inspector Morse
A Touch of Frost
Monsignor Renard
Upstairs Downstairs - the 1970s one
Inspector Lynley series
Dalziel & Pascoe
Also .. Treme

What the writers of The Wire did next. Set in post-Katrina New Orleans. The drama isn't top notch, but the music elevates it to a higher level.
Game of Thrones is quite brilliant, best thing thats been on TV for a while.

If you like sci fi - Battlestar
If you like cop shows - The Wire
If you like politics - West Wing
If you want something creepy - Dexter

Recently The Borgias was quite good if you liked the Tudors.
Cheers or Fraisier if you are in to their style of comedy
The west wing. All 7 series should keep you going for the winter....another oldie but excellent too is Northern Exposure, very quirky.
Here are some of my favourites in no particular order:
The Wire
The Sopranos
Rescue Me
Boardwalk Empire
Band of Brothers
The Shield
Ah Chris, I'm disappointed I thought your recommendations would have been for a boxset of Ayn Rand's works!!
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?field-keywords=atlas+shrugged&url=search-alias%3Dmovies-tv&x=13&y=17 (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?field-keywords=atlas+shrugged&url=search-alias%3Dmovies-tv&x=13&y=17)
Good choice, Sons of Anarchy seasons 1&2 are only €24.99 @ HMV, and they have the Inbetweeners 1-3 for €16.99 - haven't seen any of the latter, but think it might be worth a look.
Watched the first 3 episodes of The Wire last night and I'm hooked! Thanks y'all.
Band of Brothers - Excellent
Boston Legal - Daft, but sometimes very funny. I bought the whole series and had a great laugh.
The Tudors
I was going through DVD's tonight and found Party Animals - just class. I don't think it has been mentioned yet. Anyone who loved This Life will love it.

This Life is another gem. I was on a high when I saw they were doing a This Life plus 10 as I was devastated when it was wasn't continued.

If you're a first timer to This Life, don't watch This Life plus 10.
I'm with dereko1969 - Deadwood was an excellent series , gritty & realistic with some great acting particularly by Ian McShane.

The use of the English language was wonderfully eloquent as the writers ensured it was typical of the time - late 1800's.
24 is a great series the show spanned 192 episodes over eight seasons, there's 8 box sets of absolute roller coaster non stop action telly,the likes of which will never be seen again.

Very funny, but just to be pedantic, there is only one movie out, which means it is not a box set