Where to report extreme Health & Safety Breaches?


Registered User
I was in a certain pub last weekend (not by choice) with friends and witnessed the most awful standards of maintenance in the ladies loos, I went to use the mens but was propelled back by a foul stench. I have been in this pub on a few occasions before and it was never perfect but what I saw last saturday night totally disgusted me. one toilet was broken to the point that the entire front of the bowl was missing, another cubicle had no light there was water all over the floor (someone must have flushed the nonexistent toilet???) there wasn't a scrap of loo roll to be found etc. etc. I didn't see any female staff on duty so thought that was the reason but the following day my partner assured me the gents was no better.

Who can these hazards be reported to? Do the health & safety authority just cover workplaces or is there an environmental officer with health boards?
I would imagine that the first port of call for reporting such issues would be to the manager on the premises. After that you could maybe try the or the Environmental Health Officer of your local authority?
I'm pretty sure your local Environment Health Officer should be your first step. Have you considered having a word with the pub manager first?