Where to put 25k?


Registered User
I don't know if this is the right place but here goes. I have 25,000 Euro coming out of a saving account at the end of the month. I had it tied up for 15 months. With the dirt gone up where should I put it now. I would tie it up for no longer than 18 months.
Have a read of the best buy term deposit post.

You might best best off with a 1 year 6 months Interest First term deposit with PTSB. This account pays interest up-front at the 2013 DIRT rate rather than the 2014 DIRT rate. The payment is made within a month or so of account opening.

If you go with this account, you need to act very fast as per the dates below. I suggest you get the account set up, unfunded, before the maturity of your old term deposit and then move the money on maturity date.

Got an e-mail from PTSB saying that the final dates for opening an Interest First account in 2013 are: -

  • 27th November if they want their interest paid before Christmas and
  • 4th December if they want to have their interest before the end of the year and thus DIRT taxed at 33%